
Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.

Search for a Schedule

The Schedules Datagrid enables users with appropriate permissions to view the schedule records of an Organization's child Locations. By default, Dex displays the schedules created in the previous thirty days, but you can filter the displayed results by Date Created, StatusLocation IDMethodFrequency, and/or Schedule Type.

To access the Schedules Datagrid, click Schedules in the Dex main menu. Schedule records created in the previous thirty days display. You can customize the number of items that display using the display dropdown in the bottom left corner of the datagrid.

To view a specific schedule record without having to filter through a long list, you can search for it using the Customer First NameCustomer Last NameConsumer IDCustomer TokenCompany Name, or Schedule ID associated with the schedule. Dex auto-populates the list of results as you type. Use the search filters described below to further refine your results.

The following table provides a brief description of what each column displays on the Schedules Datagrid:



Date Created

The date the schedule was created.


The First, Last Name, and/or Company Name of the customer associated with this schedule.

Customer Token

The customer token associated with this schedule.


The status of this schedule. Supported values include the following:

Active - The schedule is active and will process recurring transactions at the schedule's given frequency for the given amount of time.
Suspended - The schedule is suspended and will not process any future recurring transactions until it is reactivated.
Completed - The schedule has run all the defined recurring transactions and will no longer run future recurring transactions.
Deleted - The schedule is deleted and will no longer run any future recurring transactions.


The payment method this schedule is using to create recurring transactions. Supported values include the following:

American Express


Defines how often a recurring transaction will occur and whether or not the schedule is Continuous. Supported values include the following:



The location name and ID number associated with this schedule.


Indicates the number of recurring transactions that were defined for this schedule. Continuous schedules display a null value in this column.

Last Transaction

The date and amount of the last recurring transaction that occurred. If the transaction was processed, this field will display a  . If the transaction failed for any reason, this field will display a  .

Next Transaction

The date and amount of the next future recurring transaction that will occur.

SEC Code

NOTE: This field only displays when the user clicks the   and selects the SEC Code option. The SEC code used to authorize the echeck transaction. Supported values include the following: 


Filtering the Schedules Display List

You can apply the following general filters to customize the displayed list of schedules:



Upcoming Schedules

The date for the future transaction’s schedules. Use the date picker in both the Start Date and End Date fields to customize the date range of your Upcoming schedule search. If a date range is not provided, the Start Date defaults to today’s date and the End Date defaults to the next day. Both dates are inclusive. This field saves the last date filter option so that you don't have to put the same option in every time you search for schedules.

You can also choose one of the following pre-set dates/date ranges:

Next 7 days
Next 15 days
Custom (The custom filter can be set to include up to the next 15 days)

Date Created

The date when the schedule was created. Use the date picker in both the Start Date and End Date fields to customize the date range of your schedule search. If a date range is not provided, the End Date defaults to today's date and the Start Date defaults to thirty days prior to today's date. Both dates are inclusive. This field saves the last date filter option so that you don't have to put the same option in every time you search for schedules.

You can also choose one of the following pre-set dates/date ranges:

Since Yesterday
Last 7 days (the previous six days plus today)
Last 30 days
Last 60 days
Last 90 days
This week (starting from Sunday to Saturday)
This month


The status of this schedule. Supported values include the following:

Active - The schedule is active and will process recurring transactions at the schedule's given frequency for the given amount of time.
Suspended - The schedule is suspended and will not process any future recurring transactions until it is reactivated.
Completed - The schedule has run all the defined recurring transactions and will no longer run future recurring transactions.
Deleted - The schedule is deleted and will no longer run any future recurring transactions.

Location ID

The merchant location associated with this schedule. Enter only the ID number of the location, not the resource prefix (e.g., 155161 instead of loc_155161).


The payment method this schedule is using to create recurring transactions. Supported values include the following:

American Express

If you’d like to refine the results of the Schedule Datagrid further, you can use more specific filter parameters located under in More Filters dropdown field. The following filters are available.




Defines how often a recurring transaction will occur. Supported values include the following:


SEC Code

Indicates the type of SEC code used with an echeck transaction.Supported values include the following: 


Schedule Type

Indicates the type of schedule defined. Supported values include the following:


View Schedule Details

The Schedule Details Screen enables users with appropriate permissions to view the details of a particular schedule. To view the details of a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules on the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules.
  3. When you find the desired schedule, click the row on which it's listed. The Schedule's Details Screen displays. The following table displays what data the Schedule's Details Screen display:




Payment Information


Indicates the current status of the schedule. Supported values include the following:



Indicates the type of schedule and number of recurring transactions (e.g., x10 would indicate this schedule has ten recurring transactions defined). Supported values include the following:

One Time


For continuous schedules, this field displays the start date of the schedule (i.e., the date of the first recurring transaction). For non-continuous schedules, this field displays the date range when this schedule will run (i.e., the date of the first recurring transaction and the last recurring transaction).

Payment Method

Displays the type of payment method used for this schedule and the last four digits of the credit card or bank account number. Supported payment methods include the following:

American Express

Payment Token

Displays the token of the payment method used for this schedule.

Customer Information

Customer Name

The first and last name of the customer.

Company Name

The company name associated with the customer.

Customer ID

The merchant-defined Customer ID associated with the customer.

Customer Token

The token assigned to the customer record.

General Information


The merchant location's name and ID number where the recurring transactions will process.

Created By

The ID or username of the user who created this schedule.

Schedule ID

A unique string ID used to represent a schedule.

Order ID

The merchant-defined order number associated with this schedule.

Date Created

The date when this schedule was created by the user listed in the Created By field.

Wallet ID

The merchant-defined Wallet ID associated with this schedule.


If provided, a description of this schedule. This field and the provided value display on all transaction receipts related to this schedule.

Order Info

Order ID

The unique, merchant-defined identification number associated with this transaction.

Wallet ID

Merchant customer Wallet Id identification number associated with this transaction.

Data Label 1

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in Dex.

Data Label 2

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in Dex.

Data Label 3

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in Dex.

Data Label 4

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in Dex.

Last Transaction

Indicates the date, amount, and status of the last transaction processed in this schedule.

Next Transaction

Indicates the amount and date of the next transaction that will process in this schedule.


Indicates the number of recurring transactions that have successfully completed.

Schedule Items


Enables you to filter the list of schedule items by their individual status. Supported values include the following:

All - Displays all schedule items.
Completed - Displays schedule items whose transactions have been successfully processed.
Suspended - Displays schedule items whose transactions are suspended and will not be processed until they are reactivated.
Processing - Displays schedule items whose transactions are currently being processed.
Failed - Displays schedule items whose transactions failed.
Scheduled - Displays schedule items whose transactions are scheduled for a future date.
Skipped - Displays schedule items whose transactions were suspended for so long that they can no longer be updated or deleted.
Deleted - Displays schedule items whose transactions were deleted before being processed. Users cannot reactivate deleted schedule items.


Provides a chronological list of all the schedule items currently defined in this schedule. Schedule items in the Completed status provide a dropdown summary of the completed transaction, which includes the Subtotal, Tax, Service Fee (if applicable), and Total amounts that were processed. Schedule items in the Scheduled status indicate when that scheduled transaction will process.

Viewing Customer Details from the Schedule's Details Screen

If you need more information about the customer associated with a schedule, you can click the customer's highlighted First and Last Name or his/her Company Name on the Schedule's Details screen. Dex display that customer's information on the Customer's Details Screen. From here you can view the payment methods, addresses, and recurring transaction schedules associated with this customer. To return to the Schedule's Details Screen, click the Back button on the Customer's Details Screen.

Viewing the Details of Completed Transactions in a Schedule

NOTE: To view transaction details under a completed schedule item, your user account must have the Transaction View permission. For more information see Understanding Roles or contact your organization's administrator.

To view the transaction details of completed schedule items in a schedule, filter the status of the displayed schedule items by Completed or simply scroll through the list of schedule items to view the items in the Completed status. Once you've located the desired schedule item, click the View Transaction link. Dex displays the Transaction's Detail Screen for that transaction record.

From here you can view the history of the transaction and, if necessary, reverse or void the transaction (depending on the transaction's status). To return to the Schedule's Details Screen, click the Back button on the Customer's Details Screen.

Create a Schedule

Users with the appropriate permissions can create schedules of recurring sale or credit transactions from the Schedules Datagrid in Dex. Schedules can only be created for existing customers with one or more payment methods defined.

To create a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules in the Dex main menu.
  2. Click the Create Schedule button in the upper-right corner of the screen. The Add Schedule Modal displays.
  3. Add the customer to the schedule by one of two methods:
    1. For existing customers, click the Customer dropdown field and begin typing the customer's first and/or last name. Dex begins auto-populating a list of customers that meet those requirements. Click the applicable customer name and continue to step 4.
    2. For new customers, click the Add Customer button to open the Add Customer Modal. Complete the required fields of the modal and then click the Add Customer button. Dex returns you to the Add Schedule Modal.
  4. Add a payment method to the schedule by one of two methods:
    1. For existing customers with defined payment methods, the Payment Method dropdown field displays a scrollable list of available payment methods available for the schedule. Click the applicable payment method and continue to step 5.
    2. For new customers or existing customers without defined payment methods, click the Add Payment Method button to open the Add Payment Method Modal. Complete the required fields of the modal and then click the Add Payment Method button. Dex returns you to the Add Schedule Modal.
  5. Complete the following required fields of the Add Schedule Modal.






Enter a brief description of the schedule or service. This field and the provided value display on all transaction receipts related to this schedule. Limit 15 characters.

Entry Class Code


This field only displays if the customer selects an echeck payment method. Use the dropdown to select an entry class code for the future transactions of this schedule. For more information on Standard Entry Class codes, see Using ACH and SEC Return Codes.

Forte merchants primarily use the PPD, CCD, and WEB codes.

A full list of SEC code values:CCD
WEB (Default)

Account Code/PIN


This field only displays if the customer selects a procurement credit card as his or her payment method. Enter the Account Code or PIN for the card in the text box.



Use the dropdown to select the type of recurring transaction you want to define for this schedule. Supported options include the following:

Debit/Sale (Default)



Use the dropdown to select how frequently the selected transaction should occur. Supported options include the following:

One-Time - A one-time transaction scheduled for a future date.
Weekly - A recurring transaction that occurs ever 7 days after the schedule start date.
Bi-Weekly - A recurring transaction that occurs every 14 days after the schedule start date.
Monthly - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every month.
Bi-Monthly - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 2 months.
Semi-Monthly - A pair of recurring transactions that occur on the first and fifteenth day of the month.
Quarterly - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 3 months.
Semi-Annually - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 6 months.
Annually - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every year.


The date when Forte will perform the one-time transaction of this schedule. This field only displays for One-Time schedules defined in the Frequency field.

Order ID


The number of the customer Order ID

Wallet ID


The number of the customer Wallet ID

Recurrence Start


The schedule start date. The value for this field must be the current or future date and will be used to calculate when the next transaction(s) will occur (e.g., for Weekly schedules, the first transaction will occur on the selected date and then again 7 days later).

Recurrence End Date


Use the radio buttons to define the schedule as a Continuous schedule (i.e., ongoing until it is suspended or deleted) or a Non-Continuous schedule (i.e., a set number of transactions will occur). For Continuous schedules, select the Schedule transactions with no end date button. For Non-Continuous schedules, select End after {number} transactions button. For Non-Continuous schedules, you must also enter the number of recurring transactions to perform in the black text box.



The base amount for each transaction in the schedule. For service fee merchants, this amount will be used to calculate the service fee.

Service Fee


If applicable, the amount of the service fee for each transaction in the schedule. This field is auto-calculated and read-only.



If applicable, the tax amount for each transaction in the schedule.



The total authorization amount for each transaction in the schedule. This total amount is the sum of the subtotal amount, the service fee amount (if applicable), and the tax amount (if provided).

  1. After completing the required fields, click the Add Schedule button. Dex returns you to the Schedules Datagrid with the newly created schedule displayed in the result list.

Edit a Schedule

Users with the appropriate permissions can edit the general details of a schedule record and the planned transactions (i.e., schedule items) currently defined in the schedule. To edit a schedule record, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule using the customer's First NameLast NameCompany NameCustomer IDCustomer Token, or Schedule ID or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results. Once you find the desired schedule, click the row on which the schedule record displays. The Schedule's Details Screen displays.
  3. Click the Edit button in the "Payment Information" section. The Edit General Modal displays. The following fields can be modified.



Payment Method

Use the dropdown menu to select a payment method from a list of all existing payment methods associated with the customer.

Order Number

Enter the updated Order Number in this free-text field.

Reference Number

Enter the updated Reference Number in this free-text field.

  1. After updating the schedule’s general information, click the Submit button. Dex returns you to the Schedule’s Details Screen.
  2. To edit the details of a future schedule item (i.e., in Scheduled status), click Edit on the row where the desired schedule item displays.The Edit Schedule Item Modal displays.
  3. The following fields can be modified:




Use the dropdown field to update the status of this schedule item. Schedule items can be suspended up to one day prior to their scheduled processing date; similarly, suspended schedule items can be reactivated up to one day prior to their scheduled processing date.

Scheduled Date

The date when this schedule item will process. Use the calendar to update this transaction's scheduled date. This date must be at least one day before the next schedule item on the schedule definition list (e.g., If you're updating the date of your April 1 transaction, it must be scheduled on or before April 30—one day prior to the next scheduled transaction on May 1.).

Item Description

Use the free-text field to update or delete the description of this transaction.


The base amount of the good or service plus any shipping fees, tips, or other extraneous amounts. For certain service fee merchants, this field may be view only. For non-service fee merchants, this field will not display.


The sales tax amount. The default amount for this field is 0.00.


The authorization amount, which can include the subtotal, tax, and (if applicable) service fee amounts, depending upon your merchant location setup. This field is read only.

  1. After updating the schedule item, click the Save button. Dex returns you to the Schedule’s Details Screen

Add Schedule Items

If your customer wants to make an additional payment in a schedule, you can simply add a new schedule item to an existing schedule definition. You can only add schedule items to active, non-continuous schedule with more than one recurring transactions defined (i.e., not one-time future schedules). Add-on schedule items must be dated, at a minimum, a day in advance; same-day, add-on schedule items are not allowed.

To add a schedule item to your customer's schedule definition, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules from the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules. When you find the desired schedule, click the row on which it's listed. The Schedule's Details screen displays.
  3. In the "Schedule Items" card, click the Add Schedule Item button. The Add Schedule Item Modal displays.
  4. Complete the following fields of the Add Schedule Item Modal:




A read-only field that indicates the current status of the schedule item. This field defaults to Scheduled for add-on schedule items.

Schedule Date

Use the date picker to select when you want this schedule item to occur. The soonest available date is 1 day from the current date.

Item Description

Use the free-text field to add a description of this transaction.


The base amount of the good or service plus any shipping fees, tips, or other extraneous amounts.

Service Fee

The service fee amount for this merchant. Dex automatically adds this value to the Add Schedule Item modal.


The sales tax amount.


The authorization amount, which can include the subtotal, tax, and (if applicable) service fee amounts, depending upon your merchant location setup. This field is read only.

  1. After completing the fields, click the Add Schedule Item button. Dex returns you to the Schedule’s Details Screen with the new schedule item displayed chronologically in the “Schedule Items” card.

Delete Schedule Items

If for any reason your customer wants to delete an individual future schedule item, you can do so from the Schedule's Details Screen. Only schedule items in the Scheduled status can be deleted.

To delete a schedule item from your customer's schedule definition, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules from the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules. When you find the desired schedule, click the row on which it's listed. The Schedule Details screen displays.
  3. Find the schedule item you want to delete in the Schedule Items card and click Delete next to the schedule item's listing. The Delete Schedule Item Modal displays.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button in the Delete Schedule Item Modal. Dex returns you to the Schedule's Details Screen

Suspend a Schedule

Suspending a schedule stops all of its future recurring transactions (i.e., schedule items) until it is reactivated or deleted. Only schedules in the Active status can be suspended.

To suspend a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules from the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules.
  3. Access the Suspend Schedule Modal by one of two methods:
    1. From the Schedules Datagrid, click Suspend.
    2. Access the Schedule's Details Screen and click Actions > Suspend.
  4. Click the Suspend button on the Suspend Schedule Modal to confirm the action. Dex returns you to the previous screen and changes that schedule's status to Suspended.

Activate a Schedule

Schedules in the Suspended status can be reactivated so that all future - dated recurring transactions (i.e., schedule items) can occur. After activating a schedule, transactions (i.e., schedule items) that were scheduled to occur on or earlier than the current date go into Skipped status. To collect the funds of these skipped transactions, you can do one of the following actions:

  • Edit the authorization amounts of the remaining future transactions in a schedule
  • Create a one-time future schedule that collects the skipped payments
  • Add transactions to the schedule

Transactions (i.e., schedule items) that are schedule to occur at least one day in the future after re-activating a schedule will automatically also be reactivated and put into the Scheduled status.

To activate a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules from the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules.
  3. Access the Activate Schedule Modal by one of two methods:
    1. From the Schedules Datagrid, click Activate.
    2. Access the Schedule's Details Screen and click Actions > Activate.
  4. Click the Activate button on the Activate Schedule Modal to confirm the action. Dex returns you to the previous screen and changes that schedule's status to Active.

Delete a Schedule

Deleting a schedule permanently stops all future recurring transactions from occurring. Only schedules in the Active or Suspended status can be deleted and, once deleted, cannot be reactivated.

To delete a schedule, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking Schedules from the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired schedule by Customer NameCustomer IDCustomer TokenSchedule ID, or Company Name and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of schedules.
  3. Access the Delete Schedule Modal by one of two methods:
    1. From the Schedules Datagrid, click Delete.
    2. Access the Schedule's Details Screen and click Actions > Delete.
  4. Click the Delete button on the Delete Schedule Modal to confirm the action. Dex returns you to the Schedules Datagrid.

Export Schedules

Exporting Schedule Records

Dex's Export button enables merchants with the appropriate permissions to export up to 10,000 schedule records to a .csv file that can then be stored on a local computer or imported into other application for planning and processing. Only data from the Schedules Datagrid can be exported—no schedule details.

To export schedule data, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Schedules Datagrid by clicking the Schedules in the Dex main menu.
  2. If necessary, use the data filters to customize the list of schedules you want to export.
  3. Click the Export button in the upper right corner of the Schedules Datagrid (next to the Sort By dropdown). Dex immediately generates a csv file that can be downloaded and viewed in Microsoft Excel.
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