
Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.

Search for Organizations

The Organizations Datagrid enables users with appropriate permissions to view the settings and configurations of an Organization. You can sort organization records in ascending/descending order by Created Date, alphabetically by Organization Name, or numerically by Organization ID. To find a specific organization, you can filter the displayed results by Legal Name, Status, Type, Parent ID and/or Tax ID. You also can customize the number of items that display using the display dropdown in the bottom left corner.

To access the Organizations Datagrid, click Organizations from the Dex main menu. To view the details of a specific organization without having to filter through a long list, enter one of the following values in the search bar:

  • Organization Name
  • Organization ID

Dex auto-populates the results datagrid as you type. Use the search filters described below to further refine your results. The following table provides a brief description of what each column displays on the Customers Datagrid:




The status of the organization. Supported options include:


Legal Name

The legal name of the organization.

Display Name

The DBA name of the organization and the Forte-assigned Organization ID.


The name of the organization's primary contact.


The primary phone number of the organization.


The physical address of the organization. This includes the city, state/province, and postal code.

Ownership Type

The type of organization. Supported values include the following: 


Tax ID

The redacted Tax ID number associated with the organization and the type of Tax ID. Supported Tax ID types include the following: 


Parent Organization

The partner organization to which this organization belongs.

Created Date

The date when Forte created this organization.

Filtering the Organizations Datagrid

You can apply the following filters to customize the displayed organization datagrid:



Legal Name

The legal name of the organization.


The status of the organization. Supported options include:


If you would like to refine the results of an organization list further, you can use more specific filter parameters located under the More Filters dropdown menu. The following filters are available.



Parent ID

The phone number associated with this customer.

Tax ID

The ID of the partner organization to which this organization belongs.


The type of organization. Supported values include the following: 


View Organization Details

An Organization's Details Screen enables users with appropriate permissions to view the details of a particular organization. This information includes contact data, bank account, and security configurations.

To view the details of a organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Organizations Datagrid by clicking Organizations in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired organization record by Name or ID. You can also use the Legal Name, Status, Parent ID, Tax ID, and Type filters to narrow down the list of displayed results.
  3. When you find the desired organization record, click the row on which the organization's record displays. The Organization's Detail Screen displays.

The following table describes what each data card on the Organization's Details Screen displays:






The status of the organization. Supported options include:


Organization ID

The unique, string ID number of the organization.

Display Name

The name displayed in the “Display Name” column on the Organizations data grid and can be used to search for the organization.


The "Doing Business As" name of the organization.

Note: This is applicable to Partner Organizations only

Partner Type

Partners are classified by type. The Partner types supported are:

ISV Retail
ISV Wholesale
ISO Retail
ISO Referral
ISV Referral
Gov Referral
ISO Plus
Integrated Plus
Enhanced Gateway
Financial Institution


If applicable, the website associated with the organization.

Legal Name

The legal name of the organization.


The physical address of the organization. This includes the street address, city, state/province, and postal code.


The type of currency the organization accepts for transactions.

Parent Organization

The organization name and ID to which this organization belongs.

Business Ownership Structure

Business Ownership Structures include:

Sole Proprietor
Limited Liability Corporation
Publicly Held Corporation
Government/Public Sector

Tax ID/Tax ID Type

Last 4 of the Organizations Tax ID

Tax ID Types:


Primary Contact

The primary contact information of the organization

Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact eMail
Primary Contact Phone number


Displays all the active portfolios of this partner organization. Use the dropdown to search for a portfolio by Portfolio Name, ID or Status. This tab also displays the details of this portfolio, including the Buy Rates, Rate Plans, and associated Bank Accounts.


The name, email, and phone number of this organization's sales, billing, support, and technical contacts.


This tab holds all attachments pertinent to this organization (e.g., a pdf copy of the original merchant application, rate plan, and merchant service agreement). Supported attachments include the following:



The configuration settings of this organization. Only corporate users can view organization settings.


Displays a chronological and filterable list of events that have occurred with this organization.

Created On

The date when Forte created this organization.


This tab enables Admins to create and manage IP allow lists and suspended users.

Create Gateway Merchants

Partners can quickly and efficiently create GatewayClosed-only merchant organizations and locations directly from Dex. The Tax ID number (i.e., Social Security Number (SSN), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), or Employer Identification Number (EIN)) provided by the merchant must be unique and cannot exist under another live merchant organization owned by your partner account. If you need this type of setup, contact your Forte Account Manager. If desired, Dex can automatically generate an invitation email to the merchant contact and/or create Virtual Terminal credentials, so they can get up and running faster.

To create a gateway-only merchant, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Organizations Datagrid by clicking Organizations in the Dex main menu.
  2. Click the Create New button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The Create Organization Modal displays.
  3. Select Merchant from the Select Account Type menu. Your partner name and Organization ID automatically populate.
  4. Click the Next button. The Business Information fields display.
  5. Complete the following required fields:



Legal Name

The legal name of the business.

DBA Name

The Doing Business As name of the business.

Address Line 1

The first line (i.e., street name and number) of the business's physical address.

Address Line 2

If necessary, the second line (i.e., suite or apartment number) of the business's physical address.

Postal Code

The zip code of the business's physical address.


The city of the business's physical address. This field auto-populates after you enter the zip code in the Postal Code field.


The state of the business's physical address. This field auto-populates after you enter the zip code in the Postal Code field.


The country of the business's physical address. Dex auto-populates this field with the value United States.

Tax ID

The Tax ID Number associated with the business. Supported values include the following:

Social Security Number of the Primary Owner
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number of the Primary Owner
Employer Identification Number of the business


The URL of the website where the merchant will be capturing transactions.

Business Category

A broad description of the business or industry this merchant is in. The value selected in this field determines the options you can select in the Business Type field.

Business Type

The specific type of business and the Forte Business Classification Code that most closely represents this merchant's business.

Most Transactions Via

Indicates the method by which the merchant captures transactions. Supported values include the following:


  1. Click the Next button. The Contact fields display.
  2. Complete the following required fields:




The full name of the merchant's primary contact.


The phone number of the merchant's primary contact.


The email address of the merchant's primary contact. If you select the Invite to Dex? checkbox, this email address will be where Dex sends the invitation and what the merchant will use as his or her username credentials to log into Dex.

Invite to Dex?

Indicates whether or not you want Dex to automatically send an invitation link to the email address specified in the Email field.

  1. Click the Next button. The Processor Credentials fields display.
  2. Click the Processor dropdown and select the credit card processor you wish to use. The following options are supported: Vantiv, GlobalPayments East, Vital, and FirstData. After selecting a processor, the processing credentials for that merchant account display. These credentials originate from the VAR sheet that the credit card processor provides to the merchant after setting up their merchant account for credit card processing.
  3. Complete the following required fields:






The processing number that identifies Forte's relationship with Vantiv.


The identification number that identifies the store location.


The Bank Identification Number that identifies the bank associated with the Vantiv merchant account.

Merchant ID

The identification number (i.e., MID) that identifies the merchant account.

GlobalPayments, East

Bank ID Number

The 6-digit Bank Identification Number that identifies the bank associated with the Global Payments merchant account.

Terminal ID

The 6 or more digit identification number assigned to the POS terminal used to capture credit card transactions.

Merchant ID

The 6 or more digit identification number (i.e., MID) that identifies the merchant account.


Bank ID Number

The Bank Identification Number that identifies the bank associated with the Vital merchant account.

Terminal ID

The identification number assigned to the POS terminal used to capture credit card transactions.


The 6-digit bank number associated with the Vital merchant account.


The 6-digit processing number that identifies Forte's relationship with Vital.


The 4-digit identification number that identifies the store location.


The 4-digit identification code that identifies the POS terminal used to capture credit card transactions.


Merchant ID

The 6–11-digit identification number (i.e., MID) that identifies the merchant account.

Terminal ID

The 6 or more digit identification number assigned to the POS terminal used to capture credit card transactions.

  1. Click the Next button. The Billing fields display.
  2. If your partner account is set up under a “Partner Billed” billing module, the billing fields auto-populate with your banking and fee information. If desired, you can adjust the Per Gateway Transaction, Gateway Monthly, and Enrollment and Setup Fee amounts, including fee amounts less than your Partner Buy Rate. If you prefer that Forte bill the merchant directly, click the Merchant radio button under the “Fees Billed To” section and complete the following fields:



Account Type

The type of bank account the merchant uses for billing. Supported options include Checking or Savings.

Routing Number

The Transit Routing Number (TRN) that uniquely identifies the merchant's bank.

Account Number/ Re-Enter Bank Account Number

The account number of the merchant's checking or savings bank account.

Per Gateway Transaction

The amount Forte charges the merchant for each credit card transaction captured using our gateway services.

Gateway Monthly

The monthly amount Forte charges the merchant for gateway services.

Enrollment & Setup Fee

The one-time fee Forte charges the merchant for setting up his or her Forte MID and gateway services.

  1. Click the Next button. The Review screen displays.
  2. Review the summary details to ensure you entered the merchant’s information correctly. If you spot a mistake or a typo, use the Back link to navigate to the appropriate fields to make changes. If the data is correct, click the Submit button. Dex displays a message indicating whether or not the merchant’s account was created successfully and displays the merchant’s Organization and Location IDs as well as Virtual Terminal login credentials (if the merchant prefers to use VT).
  3. To create another gateway-only merchant account, click the Create New button and repeat steps 3–14 again. Otherwise click the Okay button to return to the Organizations Datagrid.

View Bank Account Settings

Once approved by Forte, merchant bank accounts can be assigned to specific locations and configured for specific activities, such as billing and funding. To view the bank account settings currently assigned to your merchant organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Organizations in the Dex Main Menu.
  2. Enter the Organization Name or ID in the Search field to find the desired merchant organization or use the filters to narrow down the list of displayed results. Click the row on which the Organization displays. The Organization's Details Screen displays.
  3. Click the Bank Accounts tab. A list of all the bank accounts currently defined for this organization displays. This list includes bank accounts in Documents Needed and In-Review statuses. NOTE: You can only view settings for bank accounts in the Active status.
  4. To view the unredacted bank account number, click .
  5. To view the locations assigned to this bank account, click the Assigned to x Location(s) link. A dropdown displays showing the name and ID of the location and the type of funding account for which this bank account will be used. The following funding accounts are supported: 
    • Funding Debit
    • Funding Credit
    • Card Service Fee (e.g., Principal Only, Fee Only, Principal + Fee)
    • ACH Service Fee (e.g., Principal Only, Fee Only, Principal + Fee)
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