Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.
Search for a User
NOTE: Only Admins and Merchant Managers can access the Users Datagrid and a User's Details Screen.
The Users Datagrid enables merchant users with appropriate permissions to view the summary user data of an organization. By default, Dex displays users in the Invited and Active status, but you can filter the list of users to display Rejected, Deleted, or Expired users. This screen also allows you to search for a user by Name or Username.
To access the Users Datagrid, click Manage > Users from the main Dex menu. All current users in the Invited/Active status display.
To view a specific user without having to filter through a long list, enter the Name or Username of the user in the search bar. Dex auto-populates the list of results. Use the Status filter and sorting options described below to further refine your results. The following table provides a brief description of what each column displays on the Users Datagrid:
Column | Description |
Name | The first and last name of the user. |
Username | |
Status | The user's status in the Dex system. Supported values for this field include the following: Invited |
Role(s) | The role(s) assigned to the users. Roles are sets of individual permissions for a user and are tied to the organization(s) to which the user belongs. Only Admins can modify a user's role. |
Mobile Phone | |
Date Invited | The date that the Admin invited the user to Dex. |
Filtering and Sorting the Users Result List
You can apply the Status filter to customize the displayed user list on the Users Datagrid. The Status filter supports the following options:
- Invited
- Active
- Rejected
- Deleted
- Expired
You can also sort the list of displayed users in ascending/descending order alphabetically by Username or numerically by the Date Invited, using the Sort options.
View User Details
A User's Details Screen enables admin users with appropriate permissions to view user account information. This information includes username, status, and contact information, as well as user account setup information like role assignment and permissions. To access a User's Details Screen, complete the following steps:
- Access the Users Datagrid by clicking Manage > Users from the Dex main menu.
- Search for the desired user by Name or Username and/or use the available filters to narrow down the displayed list of users.
- When you find the desired user account, click the row on which it's displayed. The User's Details Screen displays. The following table provides a brief description of what each card on the User's Detail Screen displays:
Card | Parameter | Description |
General Information | Status | The current status of the user. The following options are supported: Invited |
Name | The first and last name of the user. | |
Member Since | The date when this user's Dex account was created. | |
Username | The user's invite email address. This value in this field also serves as the user's login username credential. | |
Business Phone | The mobile phone number associated with the user, including country code. This number is used to authenticate the user during the registration process. | |
Roles | This card lists the roles the user is currently assigned to. You can add or delete roles from this card. | |
Permissions | This card lists the permissions currently assigned to the user. This list is view-only. |
Invite Users to Dex
To use all the features of Dex, the Admin of your organization must first invite you to become a credentialed Dex user, which entails assigning you to a role. Roles are sets of individual permissions for a user and are tied to the organization(s) to which the user belongs. A user can have more than one role and hence, more than one set of permissions.
For partners, Dex's out-of-the-box roles include the following:
- ISO - No Support: This role includes Partner Referrals and Partner Retail partners and is for Partners that are not integrated to Forte and do not need to offer support of Forte products to their own merchants.
- ISV - No Support: This role includes ISV Referrals and ISV Retail Partners and is for ISVs that are integrated to Forte but do not need to offer support of Forte products to their own merchants.
- ISV - Support: This role includes ISV Wholesale and ISV Retail support partners and is for ISVs that are integrated to Forte and need to offer support of Forte products to their own merchants.
- Developer: This role includes ISV developer partners that are integrated to the Forte platform.
- Partner View-Only: This role gives partners view-only access to the different screens in Dex.
While the permissions of these roles constrict your access to resources in the Live environment, you have full Admin permissions to your Dex organization in the Sandbox environment. For more information on roles, see Managing Roles and for information on Sandbox testing, see Testing in Sandbox.
Creating Invitations
NOTE: Only Admins can perform the following tasks.
- To begin setting up users for your Dex organization, click Manage > Users in the Dex menu. The Users Datagrid displays.
- Click the Invite Users button. The Invite Users Modal displays.
- Enter the email address of the person you're inviting to join Dex in the Email field. To invite multiple users at once with the same role, separate the email addresses by commas with no spaces.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Role for this user or group of users.
- If you would like to add a personal message to the invitation email in addition to the standard Dex boilerplate message, enter it in the Message field. NOTE: This field pre-populates with a message indicating that this invitation gives the user access to Dex in both Live and Sandbox.
- After completing all the required fields, click the Invite button. Dex returns you to the Users Datagrid with the new user(s) displayed in the Invited status. Each user has eight days to complete the Dex registration process before the unique registration link in the email expires. Admins must resend the invitation in the event of an expired link.
Resending Invitations to Users
If a user declines an invite, fails to register before the invite link expires, or is deleted, the Admin can resend the user another invite containing a new, unique registration link.
To resend a Dex invitation to a user, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid.
- Use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Invited, Rejected, or Expired statuses within a specified date range. If you know the specific user to whom you want to resend the invite, use the Search field to find him or her by Name or Username (i.e., email).
- From the Users Datagrid, click > Resend next to the user whose invitation you wish to resend, or access the User's Details Screen and click Actions > Resend. Dex sends the user another invite email with a unique registration link, changes the status of that user back to Invited, and immediately disables the registration link in his or her original invite email.
Revoking Invitations to Users
If a user invite is sent by mistake or the user no longer needs access to Dex, the Admin can revoke the invite and immediately disable the unique registration link contained in the user's invite email.
To revoke a Dex invitation to a user from the User Datagrid, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid.
- Use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Invited status within a specified date range. If you know the specific user to whom you want to revoke the invite, use the Search field to find him or her by Name or Username (i.e., email).
- From the Users Datagrid, click > Revoke next to the user whose invitation you wish to revoke, or access the User's Details Screen and click Actions > Revoke. The Revoke Invitation pop-up message displays.
- Click OK on the pop-up message. Dex returns you to the previous screen, changes the user's status to Deleted, and immediately disables the unique registration link contained in his or her original invite email.
Manage a User's Roles
Admins control the permissions available to users via roles. The User's Details Screen provides Admins access to add and/or delete roles from a user account and provides a quick summary of what permissions a user currently has within Dex.
Adding a Role to a User Account
If a user needs more permissions in Dex to perform additional tasks, an Admin can add pre-defined roles to a user's record directly from the User's Details screen. To add roles to a user account, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid.
- Use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Active status within a specified date range. If you know the specific user to whom you want to add roles, use the Search field to find him or her by Name or Username (i.e., email).
- After locating the desired user, click the row on which he or she is listed. The User's Details Screen displays.
- In the "Roles" section, click the Add Role button. The Add User to Role modal displays.
- Click the checkbox(es) next to the role(s) you want to give the user. NOTE: You cannot assign a user to a role with more permissions than your own role.
- After selecting all the roles you wish to add to this user account, click the Add Role button in the modal. Dex returns you to the User's Details Screen with the new roles displayed in the "Roles" section.
Deleting Roles from a User Account
NOTE: All Dex users must have at least one role. If the role you want to delete from a user is his or her's only role, you must first create or assign the user to another role prior to role deletion. To delete roles from a user account, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid.
- Use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Active status within a specified date range. If you know the specific user from whom you want to delete a role, use the Search field to find him or her by Name or Username(i.e., email).
- After locating the desired user, click the row on which he or she is listed. The User's Details Screen displays.
- In the "Roles" section, hover your mouse over the role you wish to delete and then click the Delete button. The Remove User from Role pop-up message displays.
- Click Remove on the pop-up message. Dex returns you to the User's Details Screen with the role removed from the "Roles" section.
Delete Users from Dex
Admins can delete users in the Active status to ensure they have no access to any Dex merchant organization or location data. When you delete a user from your organization, Dex also deletes that user's notification subscriptions. If the user is subscribed to time-sensitive or critical notifications (such as New Dispute notifications), ensure another user in your organization subscribes to these event notifications.
To delete a user from the Users Datagrid, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid.
- Use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Active status within a specified date range. If you know the specific user you want to delete, use the Search field to find him or her by Name or Username (i.e., email).
- From the Users Datagrid, click > Delete next to the user you wish to delete or, access the User's Details Screen and click Actions > Delete. The Delete User pop-up message displays.
- Click the Delete button on the Delete User pop-up message. Dex returns you to the previous screen, changes the user's status to Deleted, and disables his or her access to Dex.
Understanding Roles
All Dex users must be assigned to at least one role. Dex uses Roles-Based Access Control (RBAC) protocols to define user roles. Roles are sets of individual permissions for a user and are tied to the organization(s) to which the user belongs. A user can have more than one role and hence, more than one set of permissions. Permissions control what a user can access and what tasks he or she can perform.
Partner Roles
Dex comes with the following generic, predefined roles and permissions for partners:
Resource | Permission | ISO - No Support | ISV - No Support | ISV - Support | Developer | View Only | Partner |
Addresses | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
API Keys | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
Applications | Read | ||||||
Update | |||||||
Customers | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
Dashboard | Read | ||||||
Disputes | Read | ||||||
Update | |||||||
Documents | Create | ||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
Delete | |||||||
Funding Entries | Read | ||||||
Invitations | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
IP Whitelist | Read | ||||||
Update | |||||||
Locations | Read | ||||||
Create | |||||||
Merchant Defined Fields | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
MSA | Read | ||||||
Organization | Create | ||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
Payment Methods | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
PayPal | Read | ||||||
Update | |||||||
Roles | Read | ||||||
Schedules | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Settlements | Read | ||||||
Transactions | Auth | ||||||
Capture | |||||||
Force | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Resubmit | |||||||
Reverse | |||||||
Sale | |||||||
Verify | |||||||
Void | |||||||
Users | Delete | ||||||
Invite | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update | |||||||
Webhook | Create | ||||||
Delete | |||||||
Read | |||||||
Update |
The Invite permission enables you to invite users to Dex with the same or fewer permissions. You cannot invite a user to a role with more permissions than your own role.
The permissions inherent in these roles cannot be modified.
Enterprise Roles
Dex comes with the following generic, predefined roles and permissions for Enterprise users:
Resource | Permission | Enterprise Admin | Enterprise Manager | Enterprise User | Enterprise View Only |
Addresses | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
API Keys | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
Customers | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Export | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
Disputes | Read | ||||
Update | |||||
Documents | Read | ||||
Funding Entries | Read | ||||
Invitations | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
IP Whitelist | Read | ||||
Update | |||||
Locations | Read | ||||
Payment Methods | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
Roles | Read | ||||
Schedules | Create | ||||
Delete | |||||
Read | |||||
Update | |||||
Settlements | Read | ||||
Transactions | Auth | ||||
Capture | |||||
Create | |||||
Disburse | |||||
Force | |||||
Read | |||||
Resubmit | |||||
Reverse | |||||
Sale | |||||
Verify | |||||
Void | |||||
Users | Delete | ||||
Read | |||||
Update |
*Only Enterprise Admin users can perform disburse/credit transactions. To assign this permission to a Enterprise Manager or Enterprise User, the Admin must assign users to the Create Credit role.
‡Enterprise Admins can assign other users to the Dispute Manager role, which will enable them to view and update disputes.
The Invite permission enables you to invite users to Dex with the same or fewer permissions. You cannot invite a user to a role with more permissions than your own role.
The permissions inherent in these roles cannot be modified.
Assigning Users to a Role
To add one or more users to a role, complete the following steps:
- Click Manage > Users in the Dex menu to access the Users Datagrid. To find the specific user, type his or her Name or Username (e.g., email) into the Search field. You can also use the Status filter to narrow down the list of users according to Active status within a specified date range.
- Click the row on which the desired user's record displays. Dex displays the User's Details Screen.
- Click the Add to Role button displayed in the "Roles" section. The Add User to Role Modal displays.
- Click the checkboxes next to the role(s) you want to give the user. NOTE: You cannot assign a user to a role with more permissions than your own role.
- Click the Add to Role button. Dex returns you to the User's Details Screen with the new role(s) listed in the "Roles" section.