
Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.

Manage API Credentials

Working with API Credentials

NOTE: To create or regenerate AGI or Legacy Credentials, see Managing Legacy Credentials. To regenerate FTP passwords, see Regenerating FTP Passwords.

Your unique Access ID and Secure Key are the authentication credentials you'll use to access Forte's REST API services, Forte Checkout, and other Forte applications. Before creating your credentials, ensure your organization's Admin has assigned you to a role, which will give you the appropriate permissions to access your organization's resources. By default, Dex assigns all new API users to the API_User role. Partners and Enterprise users can create API credentials at the Partner or Enterprise level and use them across all of their merchant organizations. They can also create credentials for their merchant child accounts by accessing that merchant's home organization and creating unique API credentials for each merchant. If Partners and Enterprise users do not wish to create and maintain API credentials for their merchant organizations, they can invite their merchants to Dex and instruct them to create and maintain their own keys at the Merchant level.

Searching for API Credentials

The API Credentials Summary Datagrid enables you to search for and sort all of the API credentials that belong to an organization. Merchants and Partners can also create and regenerate their API credentials from this screen. To access the API Credentials summary screen, click Developer > API Credentials in the Dex main menu. The list of API credentials belonging to an Organization can be sorted using the Sort dropdown on the upper-right side of the API Credentials Summary Datagrid. This list can be sorted using the following parameters:

  • Date Created: Newest to Oldest/Oldest to Newest
  • API Access ID: A to Z/Z to A

If you know the Access ID value or the user-defined name for the API credentials, enter it in into the Search box on the upper-left side of the API Credentials Summary Datagrid. This field supports partial searches. The following table provides a brief description of what each column displays on the API Credentials Summary Datagrid:




This column displays both the customizable name of the API credentials and the value of the Access ID. Merchants and Partners can modify the name of the API credentials on the View API Credentials screen.


The status of the API credentials. Dex supports the following values:



The role(s) associated with the API credentials. Roles are sets of individual permissions for a user and are tied to the organization(s) to which the user belongs. A user can have more than one role and hence, more than one set of permissions. At this time, the only role available for Dex users is the Api_User role.

Date Created

The date and time when the API credentials were created.

Last Used

The date and time when the API credentials were last used in an application.

Creating API Credentials

To create a new set of API credentials, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the API Credentials Datagrid by clicking Developer > API Credentials.
  2. Click the Create button. The Create API Credentials Screen displays.
  3. Enter an easy-to-remember name for your API credentials set into the Name field.
  4. Click the Create New API Key button. The Access ID and Secure Key fields display along with a Copy button so that you can easily copy the values to your code.
  5. Click the Back link to return to the API Credentials Datagrid.

Editing API Credential Details

Once you've created your API credentials, you can access your API Credential's Detail Screen to view details about the credentials, edit the name assigned to the credentials, or regenerate the Secure Key value if you've lost it or it has become compromised. To view or edit the details of your API credentials, complete the following tasks:

  1. Access the API Credentials Datagrid by clicking Developer > API Credentials.
  2. Search for the desired credential set by Name or Access ID.
  3. When you find the desired credential set, click the row on which it's listed. The API Credential's Screen displays.
  4. To edit the name assigned to the API credentials, click the Edit button that displays next to the Name field. A text field displays enabling you to update or delete the name assigned to this set of API credentials.
  5. To regenerate the Secure Key, click the Regenerate Secure Key button. A Regenerate Secure Key Modal displays.
  6. Confirm the action by clicking the Regenerate button on the modal. Dex returns you to the API Credential's Details Screen and displays the new value for the Secure Key. Use the Copy links to easily copy the value to your code.

Suspending API Credentials

Suspending a set of API credentials makes them unusable, but does not delete them from Dex.

To suspend API credentials, complete the following tasks:

  1. Access the API Credentials Datagrid by clicking Developer > APICredentials.
  2. Search for the desired credential set by Name or Access ID.
  3. Access the Suspend Key Modal using one of two methods:
    1. From the API Credentials Datagrid, click  > Suspend next to the credential's listing.
    2. Access the API Credential's Details Screen and click Actions > Suspend.
  4. Confirm the suspension by clicking the Suspend Key button on the modal. Dex returns you to the previous screen and places the API credentials into Suspended status.

Activating API Credentials

API credential sets can be reactivated from the API Credentials Datagrid or the API Credentials Details Screen.

To reactivate API credentials currently in Suspended status, complete the following tasks:

  1. Access the API Credentials Datagrid by clicking Developer > APICredentials.
  2. Search for the desired credential set by Name or Access ID.
  3. Access the Activate Key Modal using one of two methods:
    1. From the API Credentials Datagrid, click  > Activate next to the credential's listing.
    2. Access the API Credential's Details Screen and click Actions > Activate.
  4. Confirm the activation by clicking the Activate Key button on the modal. Dex returns you to the previous screenand places the API credentials into Active status.

Deleting API Credentials

If a set of API credentials are no longer used, you can delete them from Dex with the appropriate permissions.

To delete your API credentials, complete the following tasks:

  1. Access the API Credentials Datagrid by clicking Developer > APICredentials.
  2. Search for the desired credential set by Name or Access ID.
  3. Access the Delete API Key Modal using one of two methods:
    1. From the API Credentials Datagrid, click  > Delete next to the credential's listing.
    2. Access the API Credential's Details Screen and click Actions > Delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete Key button on the modal. Dex returns you to the API Credentials Datagrid.
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