The agreements
 enables the merchant to create(POST
) and retrieve(GET
) a paypal token. It generates a vendor_billing_agreement_token
 and vendor_approval_url
. The vendor_billing_agreement_token
 is a unique string token generated by PayPal. It can be used to create PayPal paymethods
. The vendor_approval_url
 is a web link, that enables the merchants to direct their users to log into PayPal account, review the transaction details and approve the payment. Once the payment is approved by the users on their PayPal account, merchants can redirect the buyers back to their preferred web page by specifying the same in the return_url
. The agreements object includes the vendor
Agreements Object
Parameter | Description | Type | Req |
organization_id | The identification number of the associated organization. For example, org_5551236. | string | R |
location_id | The identification number of the associated location. For example, loc_1234568. | string | R |
vendor | The vendor object | ||
vendor.vendor_type | The supported vendor types include the following. | string | R |
vendor.vendor_account_email | The email address of merchant linked to the PayPal account | string | R |
vendor.return_url | The URL where the customer is redirected after the customer approves the payment. | string | R |
vendor.cancel_url | The URL where the customer is redirected after the customer cancels the payment. | string | R |
vendor.vendor_approval_url | This URL is where you redirect to the buyer to obtain their approval for the payment .The buyer will be redirected to this URL to log in to their PayPal account, review the transaction details, and approve the payment. | string | R |
vendor.vendor_token_status | The orders status | string | - |
vendor.vendor_billing_agreement_token | The ID of paypal billing agreement token. | string | - |
billing_address | The Address Object | object | - |
billing_address.first_name | The first name of the user associated with this billing address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | - |
billing_address.last_name | The last name of the user associated with this billing address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens | string | - | | The phone number associated with this billing address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian phone numbers. [max length = 15 | string | - | | The email address associated with this billing address. [max length = 50] | string | - |
billing_addreess.physical_address | The Physical Address Object. | Object | - |
billing_address.physical_address.street_line1 | The first line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | - |
billing_address.physical_address.street_line2 | The second line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | - |
billing_address.physical_address.locality | Locality or city/town/village. [max length = 25] | string | - |
billing_address.physical_address.region | Region or state/province. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian regions. [max length = 2] | string | - | | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country abbreviation. [max length = 2] | string | - |
billing_address.physical_address.postal_code | Postal Code [max length = 15]. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes. | string | - |
POST Create Agreement Token
This URI creates vendor_billing_agreement_token
 and returns approval_url.
Body raw
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "PayPal",
"return_url": "",
"cancel_url": "",
"vendor_account_email": ""
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/vendors/ven_{{merchantID}}/agreements' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth_Organization_Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "PayPal",
"return_url": "",
"cancel_url": "",
"vendor_account_email": ""
Example Response
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"order_number": "ORD123",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_approval_url": "",
"vendor_account_email": "",
"vendor_order_number": "4FY371515P9080118",
"vendor_order_status": "PAYER_ACTION_REQUIRED"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "SA Line 1",
"street_line2": "SA Line 2",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560018",
"country": "US"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Create Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (1) |
Content-Type  |
application/json |
GET Agreement Token by ID
This URI returns paypal agreement token details associated with vendor_billing_agreement_token
agreement token can have the following statuses:
• PENDING: The token approval is pending.
• APPROVED.: The token is approved.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/vendors/ven_{{merchantID}}/agreements/agg_{{vendor_billing_agreement_token}} ' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth_Organization_Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example Response
Agreement Token by ID-Approved
{ {
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_account_id": "2TXS88UYGN8LE",
"vendor_billing_agreement_token": "BA-6RR2783828950364P",
"vendor_token_status": "APPROVED"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "500, W Bethany Street",
"street_line2": "123",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "75013",
"country": "US"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Example Response
Agreement Token by ID-Pennding
"location_id": "loc_234234",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "payPal",
"vendor_account_id": "2TXS88UYGN8LE",
"vendor_billing_agreement_token": "BA-6RR2783828950364P",
"vendor_token_status": "PENDING"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""