
Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.

Add a Customer

Dex enables merchants with the appropriate permissions to manually add contact, billing address, and shipping address information for their customers. When adding a customer, Dex automatically generates a unique string token that can be used in other Forte applications (e.g., REST API and Forte Checkout) for creating schedules or just for simplifying transactions.

To add a customer to your Dex organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Screen by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Click the Add Customer button at the top-right of the screen. The Add Customer Modal displays.
  3. Complete the following required fields to create a customer record:








Use the dropdown to select a location or type the ID or Name of the Location in the free-text search field and select it from the list that displays.

First Name


The first name of the customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Last Name


The last name of the customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Company Name


The name of the company associated with this customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Customer ID


A merchant-defined string used to identify the customer.

Billing Address

Address Line 1


The first line of the street address.

Address Line 2


If necessary, the second line of the street address.



The city or locality associated with this billing address.



The state or province associated with this billing address.



The zip or postal code associated with this billing address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes.



Use the dropdown the select either United States of America or Canada.

Shipping Address

Same as Billing


Click this checkbox if the fields of this customer's billing address should match the fields of his/her shipping address.

Address Line 1


The first line of the street address.

Address Line 2


If necessary, the second line of the street address.



The city or locality associated with this shipping address.



The state or province associated with this shipping address.



The zip or postal code associated with this shipping address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes.



Use the dropdown the select either United States of America or Canada.

  1. After completing the necessary fields for this customer record, click the Add Customer button on the Add Customer Modal. Dex returns you to the Customers Screen with the new customer displayed in the datagrid along with the customer’s automatically-generated customer token.

Searching for Customers

The Customers Datagrid enables users with appropriate permissions to view the customers that belong to an Organization. You can sort customer records in ascending/descending order by Customer Token or alphabetically by Customer Last NameFirst Name,or Company. To find a specific customer, you can filter the displayed results by StatusLocation IDStatePostal Code, and/or Phone.You can view up to first one million (1 million) customers data in the datagrid. A search bar is provided for users to search specific customers. You also can customize the number of items that display using the display dropdown in the bottom left corner.

To access the Customers screen, click Customers from the Dex main menu. To view a specific customer without having to filter through a long list, enter one of the following values in the search bar:

  • Company Name
  • Name
  • Customer Token
  • Customer ID

NOTE: To search by partial name or partial customer ID, use the % sign in the search bar (e.g. %bo would return any customer name or customer ID that contains “bo” ). Dex auto-populates the results datagrid as you type. Use the filters described below to further refine your results. The following table provides a brief description of what each column displays on the Customers Datagrid:




The first and last name of the customer and, if provided, the merchant-defined Customer ID.

Customer Token

A unique, Forte-defined string used to represent the customer.


The status of the customer in Dex. The following values are supported:



The Default Billing Address associated with the customer.


The email address associated with the customer, if provided.


The phone number associated with the customer, if provided.


The name and ID of the Location that added the customer to this Organization.

Filtering the Customer Display List

You can apply the following filters to customize the displayed customer datagrid:




The status of the customer in Dex. The following values are supported:

Active (default)

Location ID

The Location that added the customer to the Organization.


The state of the customer's Default Billing Address. This field defaults to All.

Postal Code

The postal code of the customer's Default Billing Address.

If you would like to refine the results of a customer list further, you can use more specific filter parameters located under the More Filters dropdown menu. The following filters are available.




The phone number associated with this customer.

View Customer Details

The Customer Details Screen enables merchant users with appropriate permissions to view the details of a particular customer. This information includes contact data, general Information, transactions, saved payment methods, associated schedules, and saved addresses. The following table displays what data each of these cards display:






The status of the customer. Supported values include the following:



The First and Last Name of the customer or the Company Name. If the customer is a company, the First and Last Name of the business’ primary contact displays beneath the Company Name.

Member Since

Displays how long the customer has been associated with the Organization.

Billing Address

The default billing address associated with the customer.

Shipping Address

The shipping address associated with the customer.

Customer ID

The merchant-defined Customer ID associated with this customer. The value of this field can be blank or contain alphanumeric characters.

Customer Token

A unique, Forte-defined string used to represent the customer.

Home Location

The name and ID of the Location that owns this customer record.

Member Since

Displays how long the customer has been associated with the Organization.

Related Transactions

Click to view a list of transactions associated with this customer on a filterable, searchable Transactions Summary Datagrid.

Payment Methods

Displays all the payment methods associated with this customer, including the default payment method and/or any credit card payment method whose token is Account Updater enabled.


Displays all the schedules of recurring transactions associated with this customer and the payment methods used for each schedule. Clicking the View Schedule Detail link takes you to that Schedule's Detail Screen, where you can view the payment, customer and schedule definition data, and a list of each scheduled transaction that has occurred or will occur.


Provides a list of all the billing and/or shipping addresses associated with this customer, including the default billing and shipping address.

To view the details of a customer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Summary Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desire customer record by First NameLast NameCompany Name, or Customer Token. You can also use the filters to narrow down the list of displayed results.
  3. When you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer’s record displays. The Customer’s Detail Screen displays.

Edit a Customer Record

When a customer's information changes, Dex enables you to quickly and easily update the customer's record from that Customer's Details Screen.

Updating General Information

To edit the general information of a customer record, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer record displays. The Customer's Detail Screen displays.
  3. Click the Edit button in the "General Information" card. The Edit Customer Modal displays. The following fields can be modified.




First Name


The first name of the customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Last Name


The last name of the customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Company Name


The name of the company associated with this customer. NOTE: A customer must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Customer ID


A merchant-defined string used to identify the customer.

  1. After making your updates, click the Save button to return to the Customer’s Detail Screen.

Editing a Payment Method

When a customer's payment information changes, Dex enables you to quickly and easily update or delete the associated credit card or echeck record from the Customer's Details Screen. For credit card payment methods, merchants can edit the expiration date and billing address information, set the card as the Default Payment Method, or exclude the card from an Account Updater run. For echeck payment methods, merchants can edit the account type or set the account as the Default Payment Method.

Merchants can delete all payment methods except the Default Payment Method, which can be either an echeck account or a credit card. Requiring a Default Payment Method ensures a smoother, faster transaction experience for customers.

Editing a Credit Card Payment Method

To edit a customer's credit card payment method, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Hover over the card displaying the credit card payment method you wish to update. A pop-up menu displays.
  4. Click the Edit button. The Edit Payment Method Modal displays.
  5. Make updates to the following fields:



Expiration Month

Use the dropdown field to select the month when the credit card expires. NOTE: The expiration date must be a future date.

Expiration Year

Use the dropdown field to select the year when the credit card expires. NOTE: The expiration date must be a future date.

Billing Address

To use an existing billing address, click the Select Address radio button and use the dropdown field to select from a list of existing billing addresses.

To add a new billing address, click the Add Address radio button. Dex auto-populates the First Name, Last Name, and/or Company Name fields; however, the values in these fields can be edited. NOTE: Every address record must have a value for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Complete the address record by adding values to the following fields:

Address Line 1 - The first line of the street address.
Address Line 2 - If required, the second line of the street address.
City - The city of the billing address.
State - The state of the billing address.
Postal - The ZIP code of the billing address.
Country - The country where this billing address is located.

Set As Default Payment Method

Check this box to make this payment method your Default Payment Method. A customer can have only one Default Payment Method.

Exclude From Account Updater Run

Check this box to exclude this payment method from your monthly Account Updater run. NOTE: Account Updater subscription required.

  1. After making the necessary updates, click the Update button on the Edit Payment Method Modal. Dex returns you to the Customer’s Detail Screen with the updated information displayed under the Payment Methods tab.

Editing an ECheck Payment Method

To edit a customer's echeck payment method, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Hover over the card displaying the echeck payment method you wish to update. A pop-up menu displays.
  4. Click the Edit button. The Edit Payment Method Modal displays.
  5. Make updates to the following fields:



Account Type

Use the dropdown field to select whether this account is a Checking or Savings account.

Set as Default Payment Method

Check this box to make this payment method your Default Payment Method. A customer can have only one Default Payment Method.

  1. After making the necessary updates, click the Update button on the Edit Payment Method Modal. Dex returns you to the Customer’s Detail Screen with the updated information displayed under the Payment Methods tab.

Deleting a Payment Method

Any payment method can be deleted except the Default Payment Method. To delete a payment method that is set as the Default Payment Method, you must first set another payment method as the Default Payment Method. If the Default Payment Method is the only payment method associated with the customer, you must first create another payment method and set it as the Default Payment Method prior to deleting the previously set Default Payment Method.

To delete a customer's payment method, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Hover over the card displaying the payment method you wish to delete. A pop-up menu displays.
  4. Click the Delete button. The Delete Payment Method Modal displays.
  5. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button on the Delete Payment Method Modal. Dex returns you the Customer's Details Screen.

Editing an Address

The Customer's Details screen enables you to maintain customer address data so that it's always up-to-date. From this screen, you can edit an address, change the customer's Default Billing or Default Shipping Address, or delete a non-default address from the customer record.

To edit a customer address, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Click the Addresses tab. All the addresses associated with the customer display.
  4. Hover over the card displaying the address you wish to update. A pop-up menu displays.
  5. Click the Edit button. The Edit Address Modal displays.
  6. The following fields can be modified:




First Name


The customer's first name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Last Name


The customer's last name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Company Name


The customer's company name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Address Line 1


The first line of the street address.

Address Line 2


If necessary, the second line of the street address.



The city or locality associated with this billing address.



The state or province associated with this billing address.



The zip or postal code associated with this billing address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes.



Use the dropdown the select either United States of America or Canada.

Set As Default Billing Address


Sets this address as the Default Billing Address. Only one Default Billing Address can be defined for a customer.

Set As Default Shipping Address


Sets this address as the Default Shipping Address. Only one Default Shipping Address can be defined for a customer.

  1. After making your updates, click the Update button on the Edit Address Modal. Dex returns you the Customer Details screen.

Deleting an Address

NOTE: The following steps pertain to deleting an address that is neither a Default Billing Address nor a Default Shipping Address.

To delete a customer address, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Click the Addresses tab. All the addresses associated with the customer display.
  4. Hover over the card displaying the address you wish to update. A pop-up menu displays.
  5. Click the Delete button. The Delete Address Modal displays.
  6. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button on the Delete Address Modal. Dex returns you to the Customer Details screen. NOTE: A customer's Default Billing Address and Default Shipping Address cannot be deleted. If you need to delete a default address, you first must define another address as the Default Billing or Default Shipping Address by either creating a new address or editing an existing, non-default address and selecting the Set As Default Billing Address or Set As Default Shipping Address option.

Suspend a Customer

Suspending a customer prevents him or her from initiating transactions, including scheduled transactions. After suspending a customer, any schedules associated with that customer become suspended as well. If you suspend a customer while one or more of his/her transactions is in the process of settling, those transactions proceed normally; however, future transactions cannot be initiated for this customer. For information on activating a customer in Suspended status, see Activating Customers.

To suspend a customer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results.
  3. Perform the suspension by one of two methods:
    1. From the Customers Datagrid, click Suspend.
    2. Access the Customer's Details Screen and click Actions > Suspend.
  4. The Suspend Customer Confirmation Message displays. Click the Suspend button to confirm the action. Dex returns you to the previous screen and changes the customer's status to Suspended.

Delete a Customer

Deleting a customer completely removes him or her from your Dex organization and deletes any schedules associated with him or her. You can delete customers in either Active or Suspended status. Deleted customers cannot be reactivated.

To delete a customer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results.
  3. Perform the deletion by one of two methods:
    1. From the Customers Datagrid, click Delete.
    2. Access the Customer's Details Screen and click Actions > Delete.
  4. The Delete Customer Confirmation Message displays. Click the Delete button to confirm the action. Dex returns you to the previous screen.

Add a Payment Method for a Customer

Adding a Customer Payment Method

You can add credit card and/or echeck payment methods to a customer record from the Customers or Customer's Details Screen with the appropriate permissions. If this is the first payment method you're adding to a customer record, it will become the Default Payment Method for recurring transactions. NOTE: Merchants can add both credit card and echeck payment methods even if they're only set up to process one type of payment method (e.g., a credit card-only merchant who can only process credit card transactions). If you're enrolled in Account Updater, you can choose which credit card payment methods to exclude in the monthly run. Currently, Account Updater supports only Visa, MasterCard, and Discover payment methods.

To add a payment method, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results.
  3. Access the Add Payment Method Modal by one of two methods:
    1. From the Customers Datagrid, click Add Payment Method.
    2. Access the Customer's Details Screen and click the Add button in the "All Payment Methods" header.
  4. Select either the Credit Card or eCheck checkbox at the top of the Add Payment Method Modal and then complete the following fields:

Payment Method Type




Credit Card

Card Holder Name


The first and last name of the credit card account holder.

Card Number


The primary account number (PAN) embossed or encoded on the credit card. As you enter the card number, the Issuer logo automatically displays.



Use the two dropdown fields to select the month and year when the credit card expires.

Billing Address


To use an existing billing address, click the Select Address radio button and use the dropdown field to select from a list of existing billing addresses.

To add a new billing address, click the Add Address radio button. Dex auto-populates the First Name, Last Name, and/or Company Name fields; however, the values in these fields can be edited. NOTE: Every address record must have a value for the First Name and Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Complete the address record by adding values to the following fields:

Address Line 1 - The first line of the street address.
Address Line 2 - If required, the second line of the street address.
City - The city of the billing address.
State - The state of the billing address.
Postal - The ZIP code of the billing address.
Country - The country where this billing address is located.

Set As Default Payment Method


Check this box to make this payment method your default payment method.

Procurement Card


Check this box if this payment method is a procurement card.

Exclude from Account Updater


Check this box to exclude this payment method from your monthly Account Updater run. NOTE: Account Updater subscription required.


Account Holder Name


The first and last name of the bank account owner.

Routing Number


The transit routing number. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian routing numbers. NOTE: A Canadian routing number displayed on a check needs to be reformatted differently for electronic payments. If a check displays a routing number as BBBBB-AAA (where AAA indicates the Financial Institution and BBBBB is the branch), then the routing number must be changed to 0AAABBBBB to process the payment electronically. For example, if a check from an account issued by the Bank of Montreal showed the routing number 00011-001, then that number would need to be reformatted to 000100011 for the payment to be electronically processed. Click here for a directory of Canadian financial institutions.

Account Number


The DDA or eCheck account number.

Confirm Account Number


The DDA or eCheck account number.

Account Type


Use the dropdown field to select whether this account is a Checking or Savings account.

Bank Name


This field is auto-populated after you enter the transit routing number in the Routing Number field.

Set as Default Payment Method


Check this box to make this payment method your default payment method.

  1. After updating the applicable fields, click the Add Payment Method button. Dex returns you to the previous screen.

Add a Transaction for a Customer

Adding a Transaction from a Customer Record

Rather than navigating to the Transactions Datagrid, you can add transactions for a customer directly from the Customers Datagrid or the Customer's Details Screen with the appropriate permissions. To add a transaction, the customer must be in Active status and have at least one defined payment method associated with his or her customer record.

To add a transaction for a customer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the displayed list of results.
  3. Access the Add Transaction Modal by one of two methods:
    1. From the Customers Datagrid, click Add Transaction.
    2. Access the Customer's Details Screen and click Actions > Add Transaction.
  4. Complete the following fields on the Add Transaction Modal:






The Location Name and ID where this transaction will process.

Transaction Action


Use the dropdown to select the type of transaction you wish to perform. These actions may vary depending on whether the customer has set up an echeck or credit card payment method as his or her Default Payment Method. Supported options for this field include the following:

Force (eCheck only)
External Authorization (Credit Card only)
Verify (eCheck only)

Order Number


The merchant-defined order number for the transaction. Click the More Options link to display this field.

Reference ID


The merchant-defined reference ID number for the transaction. Click the More Options link to display this field.



The sub-total amount for the good(s) or services(s) prior to adding in sales taxes and/or service fees. NOTE: For Verify transactions, this field must be any value greater than $0.00.

Sales Tax


The sales tax amount for the good(s) or service(s).

Service Fee


The service fee amount for this transaction. This field only displays for service-fee merchants or merchants enrolled in the Visa Tax Program. This field auto-populates with the correct service fee amount.



The total amount for the good(s) or service(s) after adding in sales taxes and/or service fees. This field is read-only and auto-populates as you add values in the Sub-Total and Sales Tax fields.



The first and last name or the company name of the customer.



The token associated with the customer record.

Payment Method


Use the dropdown to select the payment method you want to use for this transaction. This field defaults to the customer's Default Payment Method.



The credit card verification value (for credit card payment methods).

Account Code/PIN


The PIN code for procurement card transactions. NOTE: This field will only display when the selected payment method is a procurement card.

  1. After completing the required fields, click the Add Transaction button on the Add Transaction Modal. Dex displays a message indicating whether or not the transaction was successfully processed. For approved transactions, you can print the receipt directly from the message by clicking the Print Receipt button or return to the previous screen by clicking the Done button.

Add a Schedule for a Customer

Adding a New Schedule to a Customer Record

For convenience, merchants can add a schedule of recurring transactions to a customer record directly from the Customer's Details Screen.

To add a new schedule to a customer record, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Click the Schedules tab to display all the schedules currently associated with this customer.
  4. Click the Add button in the "All Schedules" header. The Create Schedule Modal displays.
  5. Complete the following fields:






This field is view only and automatically populates.

Select a Customer


This field automatically populates with the customer's first name, last name, or company name and their identifying customer token.

Payment Method


This field automatically populates with the customer's default payment method. However, if the customer wants to use another payment method besides his or her default payment method, you can click inside the field and scroll through the list of available payment methods to select the one he or she wishes to use for this schedule.

Item Description


Enter a brief description of the schedule or service.

Entry Class Code


This field only displays if the customer selects an echeck payment method. Use the dropdown to select an entry class code for the future transactions of this schedule. For more information on Standard Entry Class codes, see Using ACH and SEC Return Codes.

Forte merchants primarily use the PPD, CCD, and WEB codes.

The full list of SEC codes:
WEB (Default)

Account Code/PIN


This field only displays if the customer selects a procurement credit card as his or her payment method. Enter the Account Code or PIN for the card in the text box.



Use the dropdown to select the type of recurring transaction you want to define for this schedule. Supported options include the following:

Debit/Sale (Default)



Use the dropdown to select how frequently the selected transaction should occur. Supported options include the following:

One-Time - A one-time transaction scheduled for a future date.
Weekly - A recurring transaction that occurs ever 7 days after the schedule start date.
Bi-Weekly - A recurring transaction that occurs every 14 days after the schedule start date.
Monthly - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every month.
Bi-Monthly - A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 2 months.
Semi-Monthly - A pair of recurring transactions that occur on the first and fifteenth day of the month.
Quarterly- A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 3 months.
Semi-Annually- A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every 6 months.
Annually- A recurring transaction that occurs on the same day as the schedule start date every year.

Recurrence Start


The schedule start date. The value for this field must be the current or future date. For One-Time Future schedules, this will be the date when the future transaction occurs. For all other schedules, this date will be used to calculate when the next transaction(s) will occur (e.g., for Weekly schedules, the first transaction will occur on the selected date and then again 7 days later).

Recurrence End Date


Use the radio buttons to define the schedule as a Continuous schedule (i.e., ongoing until it is suspended or deleted) or a Non-Continuous schedule (i.e., a set number of transactions will occur). For Continuous schedules, select the Schedule transactions with no end date button. For Non-Continuous schedules, select End after {number} transactions button. For Non-Continuous schedules, you must also enter the number of recurring transactions to perform in the black text box.



The base amount for each transaction in the schedule. For service fee merchants, this amount will be used to calculate the service fee.

Service Fee


This read-only field displays the calculated service fee. This field only displays for service fee merchants.



The sales tax amount



The authorization amount, which can include the subtotal, tax, and (if applicable) service fee amounts, depending upon your merchant location setup. This field is read only.

  1. After completing the required fields, click the Create Schedule button. Dex returns you to the Customer’s Details Screen with the new schedule displayed under the Schedules tab.

Add an Address for a Customer

Adding a New Address to a Customer Record

Merchants maintain customer address data from the Customer's Details Screen. Customers can only have one Default Billing Address and one Default Shipping Address defined at a time. Merchants can define a customer's address when creating a customer payment method or directly from the Customer's Details Screen.

To add a new address to a customer record, complete the following steps:

  1. Access the Customers Datagrid by clicking Customers in the Dex main menu.
  2. Search for the desired customer using the customer's First NameLast Name, or Customer Token or use the filters to narrow down the list of results. Once you find the desired customer record, click the row on which the customer displays. The Customer's Details screen displays.
  3. Click the Addresses tab to display all the addresses currently associated with this customer.
  4. Click the Add button in the "All Addresses" header. The New Address Modal displays.
  5. Complete the following fields:




First Name


The customer's first name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Nameand Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Last Name


The customer's last name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Nameand Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Company Name


The customer's company name. NOTE: An address must have, at a minimum, values for the First Nameand Last Name fields or a value for the Company Name field.

Address Line 1


The first line of the street address.

Address Line 2


If necessary, the second line of the street address.



The city or locality associated with this billing address.



The state or province associated with this billing address.



The zip or postal code associated with this billing address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes.



Use the dropdown the select either United States of America or Canada.

Set As Default Billing Address


Sets this address as the Default Billing Address. Only one Default Billing Address can be defined for a customer.

Set As Default Shipping Address


Sets this address as the Default Shipping Address. Only one Default Shipping Address can be defined for a customer.

  1. After completing the required fields, click the Add Address button on the New Address Modal. Dex returns you to the Customer’s Detail Screen with the new address displayed.
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