
Hi there! Welcome to Dex, Forte's latest and greatest payments application. With Dex, you can view, create, and manage all your transaction data—including customers, payment methods, addresses, and schedules—in one convenient place. You can also view and maintain your merchant account, keep track of your funding entries, resolve disputed transactions, and generate API credentials to connect Dex with your third-party applications.

Bill Payments Reports

IVR Report

Understanding PAY BY PHONE (IVR) Reports


The Pay By Phone (IVR) report provides information on the calls placed and payments made through Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system, an inbound voice prompts-based payment system.

The data in the report is displayed based on the date selection and the Merchant ID | Merchant name selection. Merchant ID/Merchant Name and Date Range are prominently indicated in the report.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Summary tab:

Field Name


Customer’s Phone Number

Customer’s contact information

Date Call Received

Date (mm/dd/yyyy) when the call was placed to make a payment

Time Call Received

Time (hh:mm am/pm) when the call was placed to make a payment

Time Call Ended

Time (hh:mm am/pm) when the call was ended

Receivable Type Entered

Type of payment to be made.Voice prompts example:

01- Personal Property Tax

02 - Real Estate Tax and so on

Account Identification Entered

Unique identifier the user enters depending on the Jcode (Jurisdiction code). (Example property id or bill id)

Last Prompt Selected

The last prompt selected on the keypad before the call was dropped in the process of making payment

Transaction ID

Transaction ID associated with the payment

Payment Date

Date when the payment is completed. If no payment has been made it would appear as N/A

Payment Time

The time when the payment is completed. If no payment has been made it would appear as N/A

Payment Amount

The amount paid for the transaction provided

Payment Method

Card/E-check/AMOP(Alternative Method Of Payment)

Card Type

Whether the payment is through a card or e-check Values:- C – Credit or debit card

- E – E-check

Payment Status

The phase at which the payment is at Values:


Settlement Date

The date and time when the payment was settled with the bank

Settlement Status

States which phase the payment is currently at Values:


Payment Source

The channel through the payment is made.


forteivr/encore 1.0

Generating a Pay By Phone (IVR) Report

To generate an Excel report:

1. Navigate to the merchant organization level. 2. Click Reports in the left main menu. 3. Click on the PAY BY PHONE (IVR) tab. 4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report. 5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report. 6. Click on the Download Pay by Phone (IVR) Report button

The default for the PAY BY PHONE (IVR) report is 'Last Month'. You can select up to 6 months going back to 2 years.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have an IVR feature enabled. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have logged in to a merchant-level organization.

Text to Pay - SMS Activity Detail and Summary Report

Understanding the Text-to-Pay Report


Text to Pay > SMS Activity Detail and Summary report provides information on text reminders that were sent for the bills associated with subscribed Account Ids, along with the record of received payments.

Report information is presented across 2 tabs: “Summary Report” and “Detailed Report”. Data in both tabs depends upon the selected date range and chosen Merchant ID or Merchant Name. In each tab, Merchant ID/Name and date range are prominently indicated.

Summary Report

The value of each row is given in Qty, Bill amount, and Transaction amount.

Qty signifies the quantity or count of bills for which text reminders were sent.

Bill Amount represents the total sum of all the bills that received text reminders.

Transaction Amount denotes the cumulative value of bills that were successfully paid.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Summary Report tab:

Field Name


Bills for which SMS were sent

The count of bills for which SMS were sent

Bills where the URL in the SMS was clicked and opened

The count of bills, out of the total number of bills for which text reminders were sent, where users clicked on the payment link

Bills paid via payment link in the SMS

The total number of bills present to the customer for which the user clicked and opened the payment link present in the text notification

Bills paid for the MID

The total count of bills paid by customers across all available payment methods for a particular merchant.

Detailed Report Tab

The following fields are included in the Detailed Report tab:

Field Name


Customer Name

Name of the customer

Phone Number

Customer’s contact information

Customer ID

Search field for opt-in (unique identifier)

Unique Bill ID

Unique identifier of the bill present

Bill Date

The date the bill was presented (It is the presentation date)

Full SMS sent

The entire message sent to the customer

SMS Status

It states whether the customer received the SMS or not. This is a Y/N response.

Y - Yes, the customer received the message.

N- No the customer did not receive the text.

Sent - Timestamp

Date and time of when the SMS was sent

Click on URL- Timestamp

Date and time of when the user clicked on the URL.Get the latest date and time.

Transaction ID

Transaction ID associated with the payment

Payment Date

Date and Time of when the payment is completed. If the bill has not been paid it would appear N/A

Payment Amount

Amount paid

Payment Method

Visa/Master/Card type

Payment Method Type


Payment Channel

States how the payment is done.


T2T – Text to Pay
Web Pay - BillPay portal.
POS – dynamo or any external device
IVR – Pay by phone.

Payment Status

Whether the payment was completed or failed Values:
A – Accepted
R - Rejected

Generating a Text To Pay Report

To generate an Excel report:

1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

2. Click Reports, an item on the menu (which is to the left).

3. Click on the TEXT TO PAY tab.

4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

6. Click on the SMS Activity Detail and Summary button.

The default for the Text to Pay report is 'Last 6 months'. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive data starting up to two years ago.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have the Text to Pay feature enabled.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Text to Pay - Subscription Details Report

Understanding the Text-to-Pay Report


Text to Pay > Subscription details report provides information on users that have subscribed or unsubscribed to/from the Text-to-Pay service.

Report Values

The dashboard in the report includes the following information.

  • Phone numbers opted in –The phone numbers registered to receive the text notifications.

  • Account IDs opted in – The Account ID(s) subscribed to receive text reminders.

  • Phone numbers opted out - The phone number of the user that unsubscribed from receiving the text notifications.

  • Account IDs opted out - The Account ID(s) of the user that was removed during the opting-out process

The following fields are included in the Summary tab:

Generating a Text-To-Pay Report

To generate an Excel report:

1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

2. Click Reports on the left of the main menu.

3. Click on the TEXT TO PAY tab.

5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

6. Click on the Subscription details (as of today) button.

First time you access the report, location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have the Text to Pay feature enabled.


  • The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

  • Date selection is not required/applicable for Subscription details (as of today) report.

Daily Transaction Report

Understanding the Daily Transaction Report

The Daily Transaction report is an .xlsx report that provides Merchants transaction activity with specific payment details for a specified date.

The data in the report is displayed in 2 or more tabs; Summary, Settlement(S) and Received(R) and is based on the date the user selects. Reports can be set up to contain Settled and Received data OR Settled only depending on the Merchant’s preference.

The summary tab is divided into two sections, a settlement summary by location and a received summary by location. The settlement summary displays the dollar value funded by card types and eCheck and includes the eCheck Reject amount. The received summary displays the dollar value of received items and includes the Voids and Declines amount.

The S (Settlement) tab and the R (Received) tab provides the details for each transaction used to calculate the values in the summary tab. One settlement and one received tab is created for each location included in the report.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Summary tab:



Merchant account

Display the Merchant Account and name.


Type of Transaction. E.g., Sale, Credit, Refund etc.


The result of the transaction. E.g., Decline, Ready, Settling etc.

Funding Section

Will describe t The Payment method used.


The total dollar amount of Visa Card Credit/Debit card transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of MasterCard Credit/Debit card transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of Discover Card Credit/Debit card transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.

Amer Expr.

The total dollar amount of American Express Credit/Debit card transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of eCheck transactions. Transactions include Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of PayPal transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.

CC Funding

The total dollar amount of Credit/Debit Card transactions.


The total dollar amount of Visa and Mastercard transactions.


The total dollar amount of Visa, Mastercard and Discover transactions.


The total dollar amount of Visa, Mastercard, Discover and America Express transactions.

Echeck Reject Amount

Voids & Declines

The total dollar amount of echeck transactions rejected.

The total dollar amount of echeck transactions voided or declined.

The following fields are included in the Settlement and Received tabs:



Account Code

The accounting code entered for procurement cards

Account Type

The account type - Checking or Savings account.

Attempt Number

Number of attempts to execute the transaction

Authorization Code

Display the Authorization Number

AVS Method

Address Verification Services method used

AVS Result

The result of the Address Verification Service check. The following values are supported: Match Partial Match No Match System Unavailable Invalid Not Supported

Batch Reference Code

The funding entry’s identification number

BillTo City

The city of the customer's billing address

BillTo Company Name

The Company of the customer's billing

BillTo Email Address

The customer's email address

BillTo FirstName

Customer First Name

BillTo LastName

Customer Last Name

BillTo Postal Code

The zip or postal code of the customer's billing address

BillTo State

The state of the customer's billing address

BillTo Street Line 1

The first line of the customer's billing address

BillTo Street Line 2

The second line of the customer's billing address

BillTo Telephone Number

The customer's phone number

Card Type

Type of the card

Cardholder Name

The customer's cardholder name

Check Number

The number of the check.

Client ID

Customer ID number

Consumer ID

The Company Name or First and Last Name of the customer associated with this transaction. If applicable, this field also includes the merchant-specified Consumer ID.

Consumer Order ID

If supplied, the merchant-defined Order Number and Reference ID included with the transaction. These parameters can include anything from invoice IDs, ticket numbers, or P.O. Box numbers.

Created Date

Transaction create date

Credit Card Processor

Company that is responsible to process the Credit Card

Customer Email

The customer's email address

Customer Fax

The customer's Fax number

Customer Phone

The customer's Phone number

CVV Method

Card Verification Value method

CVV Result

The result of the Card Verification Value check. The following values are supported: Match No Match Error (Unrecognized or Unknown Response) Invalid or Null Not Processed Service Not Supported Issuer Unable to Process No Response

Debit or Credit

Type of payment for cards

Entered By

The name or API key of the user that created this transaction.

Entry Class Code

Code used to identity the NACHA payment type (standard entry class)

Entry Description

The Entry Description Override value overrides whatever value the merchant originally sends in the Entry Class Code field when submitting the transaction. To set a value for the Entry Description Override field, use the dropdown menu to select the preferred SEC Code.

File Reference Code

File Reference Code

Freight Amount

The amount paid to a carrier company for the transportation of goods from the point of origin to an agreed location.

IP Address

The IP Address from where the merchant/partner submitted the transaction.

Item Description

A brief description of the schedule or service.

Last 4 digits

The last four digits of the card or echeck account number.

Line Items

Detailed descriptions regarding the customer and the transaction, such as: Customer Name,Customer Id,Bill Number,Unique Bill Id,Payment Amount,Late Fee Fixed

Merchant Data 9

Customer Define vfileds

Merchant ID

The Merchant ID number

Origination Date

The date on which the funds of the transaction go to the originating depository financial institution.

Preauth Code

Preauth Code Received related to the transaction

Preauth Description

Preauth Description received related to the transaction

Preauth Negative Report

Describes why the transaction was declined due to a pre-authorization (Forte Verify) result.

Preauth Result

The result of the customer pre-authorization

Proc Card

Procurement Card


Describe the product

Response Code

This field displays the response and settlement codes for rejected transactions.

R01 - Insufficient Funds - The balance is not sufficient to cover the value of the transaction.
R02 - Account Closed - A previously open account has been closed.
R03 - No Account - The account is closed or doesn't match the name submitted.
R04 - Invalid Account Number - The account number structure is invalid.
R05 - Pre-Note Not Recieved - Pre-notification was not received.
R06 - Returned per ODFI - ODFI has requested RDFI to return this item.
R07 - Authorization Revoked - Account holder has revoked the company's authorization.
R08 - Payment Stopped - Account holder has stopped payment on this single transaction.
R09 - Uncollected Funds - Balance is sufficient but can't be released until uncollected items are collected.
R10 - No Authorization - Account holder advises that the transaction is not authorized.
R11 - Check Safekeeping Return - Return of a check safekeeping entry return.
R12 - Branch Sold - The account is at a branch that was sold to another financial institution.
R13 - RDFI Not Qualified - RDFI not qualified to participate.
R14 - Deceased - The account holder is deceased.
R15 - Beneficiary Deceased - The beneficiary entitled to benefits is deceased.
R16 - Account Frozen - Funds are unavailable due to action by RDFI or other legal action.
R20 - Non-Transaction Account - Policies/regulations restrict activity to this account.
R23 - Payment Refused - The account holder refuses the transaction because the amount is inaccurate for another legal reason.
R24 - Duplicate Entry - The transaction appears to be a duplicate item.
R26 - Mandatory Error - The transaction is missing data from a mandatory field.
R28 - Invalid TRN - The Transit Routing Number is invalid.
R29 - Corporate Not Authorized - The corporate receiver has notified RDFI that the Corp entry is not authorized.
R31 - ODFI Permits Late Return - RDFI rejected an entry that the ODFI had accepted (applies to CCD and CTX only)
R50 - Invalid Company ID - The Owner Company ID field is not valid.
R56 - Invalid Transaction Date - The date specified is invalid.
R27 - Stale Date - The transaction is too old to process.
R95 - Over Limit - This transaction is over your authorized limit.
R96 - Account On Hold - The company account is on hold.
R97 - RDFI Does Not Participate - RDFI does not allow this type of transaction.
R98 - Invalid Password - The password supplied was invalid.
R99 - Declined Unpaid Item - This account or ID has been declined due to unpaid items.

Response Description

The transaction response values:


Response Type

Preauth Result Type, will be displayed with the following results as example:


SalesTax Amount

Sales tax amount of the transaction

Service Fee

If applicable, the amount of the service fee for each transaction

Service Fee Principal

The service/convenience fee for the transaction. Service fees are either a percentage of the principal or a set amount.

Settle Date

Settlement date for the customer transaction

Settled Response Code

Settlement Response Code related to the customer transaction.

ShipTo Address

Shipping Address Line 1

ShipTo Address2

Shipping Address Line 2

ShipTo City

Ship To City

ShipTo Name

Ship To Customer Name

ShipTo PostalCode

Ship To Postal Code

ShipTo StateProvince

Ship To State


The status of the transaction. The following values are supported:

In Progress - The transaction was received and is awaiting origination (echecks) or settlement (credit cards). If authorized, this field also displays the Status, Response, Return, and/or Settlement Code that returned with the response.
Completed - The transaction was funded to or from the merchant's bank account.
Failed - The transaction was declined, rejected, voided, or failed verification for reasons detailed in the Status, Response, Return, and/or Settlement Code that returned with the response.

Total Amount

The total authorization amount for each transaction.

Transaction ID

A 36-character code that uniquely identifies the transaction.

Transaction Type

Dex supports the following transaction types:

Force/External Auth
Balance Inquiry
NOTE: The Auth action also displays either a D or C to indicate if the transaction was a Debit or Credit.

*Data label 1 - User Defined

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in VT

*Data label 2 - User Defined

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in VT

*Data label 3 - User Defined

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in VT

*Data label 4 - User Defined

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in VT

*Data label 5 - User Defined

Merchant custom-defined fields defined in VT

*Wallet ID

A merchant-defined description or reference ID related to the transaction.

*Merchant defined fields are used to configure mandatory and optional fields and their visibility when adding transactions. These fields can be customized in VT under Merchant Options>Field Settings>Merchant Defined tab.

Generating a Daily Transaction Report

To generate a report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports in the left main menu.

  3. Select the Daily Transaction Report tab.

  4. Click the Date field to select a specific date. One day can be selected from the previous 7 days.

  5. Click the Select a Report field to select the report by searching on Report Name or Transmitter ID.

  6. The download will start immediately if the report is available.

The Date field refers to the date that the report was created. This field defaults to the previous day. Reports can include one day of data from the previous seven days.

The Report Name is the name established at the time the report is set-up and is usually a reference to the merchant name and may include a department name. If the merchant has requested to receive the report via FTP, the TID (Terminal ID) will follow behind the report name.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Payout Reconciliation Report

Understanding the Payout Reconciliation Report

The Payout Reconciliation report provides a summary of transactions that CSG Forte paid out to a merchant's designated bank account during a specific date range. The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

The report lists account activities, counts, and amounts.

Report Values

The report lists data in six sections, as specified by the date range you select.



Account Activity

Identifies the type of transactions included in the total.

Activity Count

The number of transactions included in the amount.


The total dollar amount.




The total dollar amount of funded eCheck and credit card transactions. Sale transactions include Sale, Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of funded eCheck sale transactions. Transactions include Debit, Auth, and Force.


The total dollar amount of funded credit card sale transactions. Card sale transactions include Sale, Auth, and Force.

Refund Credits

The total dollar amount of eCheck and credit card refund and credit transactions.


The total dollar amount of eCheck refund and credit transactions.


The total dollar amount of credit card refund and credit transactions.


The total dollar amount of won and lost dispute transactions.


The total dollar amount of won dispute transactions.


The total dollar amount of lost dispute transactions.


The net dollar amount of reserves withheld. Manual reserves that are held and reserves released manually are not be included in the report.

Discount Fee

The total amount of discount fees.


The total amount deposited to the customer’s bank account. This amount includes the net of all sales, refund credits, disputes, reserves, and discount fees.

Generating a Payout Reconciliation Report

The Payout Received Date field refers to the date that the funds were deposited to the merchant's designated bank account.

This field defaults to the previous two days. Reports can include up to two years of data, and up to 366 consecutive days of information.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location is selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

To generate a report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.
  2. Click Reports in the left main menu. The Payout Reconciliation report page displays.
  3. Click the Payout Received Date field to choose specific dates for your report.
  4. Click the Locations field to change the location of the report.

Virtual Terminal Reports

Convenience Detail Report

Understanding the Service Fee Detail Report

The Service Fee Detail report shows each transaction included in a deposit for a specific date and is available after the transactions have been settled or funded. This report includes any rejected or unfunded transactions included in the deposit as well as convenience fees.

When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report, sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date on the bank statement.

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Detail by Date section:



Orig Date

Origination date of the transaction

Customer Information

Bill to First Name Bill to Last Name or Company Name plus Consumer ID Info

Transaction Info

Data contained in the Consumer Order ID field in Dex

Entered By

The name or API key of the user that created this transaction

Batch ID

Settlement Batch ID


Method Used to create the transaction

Valid values are:

Credit Card Methods:

This parameter displays the logo of the following supported card brands:

American Express






eCheck Methods:


Debit Credit

Identifies the transaction as a Debit or Credit

D = Debit

C = Credit

Trans Amount

Principal amount of the transaction

Serv Fee

Service Fee Amount included in the transaction amount

Amount w/Fees

Total amount of the transaction

Fund Amount

Amount funded to the merchant

Trans Amount Total

Total principal amount of the transactions for the time period

Serv Fee Total

Total amount of the service fees for the transactions for the time period

Amount w/Fees Total for the date

Total amount of the transactions including service fees for the time period

Total Fund Amount for the date

Total funded amount of the transactions for the time period

The following fields are included in the Totals by Time Period section:



EChecks Debits (Sales)

Total amount of ECheck Sale transactions funded for the time period

Echecks Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of ECheck Refund transactions funded for the time period

Echecks Returns

Total amount of ECheck Returns funded for the time period

Echecks Chargebacks

Total amount of Echeck Chargebacks funded for the time period

Echecks UnChargebacks

Total amount of ECheck UnChargebacks funded for the time period

Echecks Net

Net amount of ECheck transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Debits (Sales)

Total amount of MC/VISAs Sale transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of MC/VISA Refund transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Returns

Total amount of MC/VISA Returns funded for the time period

MC/VISA Chargebacks

Total amount of MC/VISA Chargebacks funded for the time period

MC/VISA UnChargebacks

Total amount of MC/VISA UnChargebacks funded for the time period


Net amount of MC/VISA transactions funded for the time period

Amex Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Amex Sale transactions funded for the time period

Amex Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Amex Refund transactions funded for the time period

Amex Returns

Total amount of Amex Returns funded for the time period

Amex Chargebacks

Total amount of Amex Chargebacks funded for the time period

Amex UnChargebacks

Total amount of Amex UnChargebacks funded for the time period

Amex Net

Net amount of Amex transactions funded for the time period

Discover Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Discover Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Discover Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Discover Returns

Total amount of Discover Card Returns funded for the time period

Discover Chargebacks

Total amount of Discover Card Chargebacks funded for the time period

Discover UnChargebacks

Total amount of Discover Card UnChargebacks funded for the time period

Discover Net

Net amount of Discover Card transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Other Credit Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Returns

Total amount of Other Credit Card Returns funded for the time period

Other CC Chargebacks

Total amount of Other Credit Card Chargebacks funded for the time period

Other CC UnChargebacks

Total amount of Other Credit Card UnChargebacks funded for the time period

Other CC Net Amount

Net amount of Other Credit Card transactions funded for the time period

Total CC Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Credit Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Total CC Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Credit Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Total CC Returns

Total amount of Credit Card Return transactions funded for the time period

Total CC Chargebacks

Total amount of Credit Card Chargeback transactions funded for the time period

Total CC UnChargebacks

Total amount of Credit Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Total CC Net

Net amount of Credit Card transactions funded for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary for the Date Range section:



EChecks Debits (Sales)

Total amount of ECheck Sale transactions funded for the date range

Echecks Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of ECheck Refund transactions funded for the date range

Echecks Returns

Total amount of ECheck Returns funded for the date range

Echecks Chargebacks

Total amount of Echeck Chargebacks funded for the date range

Echecks UnChargebacks

Total amount of ECheck UnChargebacks funded for the date range

Echecks Net

Net amount of ECheck transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Debits (Sales)

Total amount of MC/VISAs Sale transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of MC/VISA Refund transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Returns

Total amount of MC/VISA Returns funded for the date range

MC/VISA Chargebacks

Total amount of MC/VISA Chargebacks funded for the date range

MC/VISA UnChargebacks

Total amount of MC/VISA UnChargebacks funded for the date range


Net amount of MC/VISA transactions funded for the date range

Amex Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Amex Sale transactions funded for the date range

Amex Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Amex Refund transactions funded for the date range

Amex Returns

Total amount of Amex Returns funded for the date range

Amex Chargebacks

Total amount of Amex Chargebacks funded for the date range

Amex UnChargebacks

Total amount of Amex UnChargebacks funded for the date range

Amex Net

Net amount of Amex transactions funded for the date range

Discover Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Discover Card Sale transactions funded for the date range

Discover Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions funded for the date range

Discover Returns

Total amount of Discover Card Returns funded for the date range

Discover Chargebacks

Total amount of Discover Card Chargebacks funded for the date range

Discover UnChargebacks

Total amount of Discover Card UnChargebacks funded for the date range

Discover Net

Net amount of Other Credit Card transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Other Credit Card Sale transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Returns

Total amount of Other Credit Card Returns funded for the date range

Other CC Chargebacks

Total amount of Other Credit Card Chargebacks funded for the date range

Other CC UnChargebacks

Total amount of Other Credit Card UnChargebacks funded for the date range

Other CC Net Amount

Net amount of Other Credit Card transactions funded for the date range

Total CC Debits (Sales)

Total amount of Credit Card Sale transactions funded for the date range

Total CC Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of Credit Card Refund transactions funded for the date range

Total CC Returns

Total amount of Credit Card Return transactions funded for the date range

Total CC Chargebacks

Total amount of Credit Card Chargeback transactions funded for the date range

Total CC UnChargebacks

Total amount of Credit Card Refund transactions funded for the date range

Total CC Net

Net amount of Credit Card transactions funded for the date

Generating a Received Detail Report

To generate a pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports in the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reports tab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locations field to select the location

  6. Click on the Convenience Fee Detail button to download the report

The Date field refers to the date that Forte settled or funded the transactions and includes eCheck and Credit Cards as well as any rejected or unfunded transactions in the deposit. This field defaults to the current date and the previous days date. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive days of data going back two years.

  • NOTE: When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date, the merchant sees on their bank statement.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Deposit Detail Report

Understanding the Deposit Detail Report

The Deposit Detail report shows each transaction included in a deposit for a specific date and is available after the transactions have been settled or funded. This report includes any rejected or unfunded transactions included in the deposit as well as convenience fees if applicable.

When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report, sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date on the bank statement.

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are available in the Detail by Date section:



Orig Date

Origination date of the transaction

Customer Information

Bill to First Name Bill to Last Name or Company Name plus Consumer ID Info

Entry/Item Description

Entry/Item Description received in the batch file submitted

Transaction Information

Data contained in the Consumer Order ID field in Dex

Entered By

The name or API key of the user that created this transaction

Batch ID

Settlement Batch ID


Method Used to create the transaction

Valid values are:

Credit Card Methods:

This parameter displays the logo of the following supported card brands:

American Express






eCheck Methods:


+ / -

Identifies the transaction as a Debit or Credit

D = Debit

C = Credit


Previously Funded Reject - unfunded transaction

N = No, this transaction is not a Previously Funded Reject

Y = Yes, this transaction is a previously Funded Reject

Tran Amount

Transaction Amount

Fund Amount

Amount of the transaction funded to the merchant

Totals for Merchant

Total amount funded to the merchants account for the time period

The following fields are included in the Totals by Date section:



EChecks Debits (Sales)

Total amount of ECheck Sale transactions funded for the time period

Echecks Credits (Refunds)

Total amount of ECheck Refund transactions funded for the time period

Echecks Net

Net amount of eCheck transactions funded for the time period

PF Rejects Debit (Sales) Amount(Sales)

Total amount of Previously Funded Reject Sale transactions funded for the time period

PF Rejects Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Previously Funded Reject Refund transactions funded for the time period

PF Rejects Net Amount

Net amount of Previously Funded Reject transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Debit (Sales) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Sale transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Refund transactions funded for the time period

MC/VISA Net Amount

Net amount of MC/VISA transactions funded for the time period

Amex Debit (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Amex Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Amex Net Amount

Net amount of Amex Card transactions funded for the time period

Discover Debit (Sales) ) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Discover Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Discover Net Amount

Net amount of Discover Card transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Debit (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Other CC Net Amount

Net amount of Other CC Card transactions funded for the time period

Debit Cards Debit (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Sale transactions funded for the time period

Debit Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Refund transactions funded for the time period

Debit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Debit Card transactions funded for the time period

Debits (Sales) Total Funded

Total amount of Sales Debit transactions funded for the time period

Credits (Refunds) Total Funded

Total amount of Refund Credit transactions funded for the time period

Total Funded Amount Net

Net amount of the funded transactions for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary – Debit (Sales) and Credits (Refunds) section:



eChecks Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions funded for the date range

eChecks Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions funded for the date range

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions funded for the date range

PF Rejects Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Previously Funded Reject transactions funded for the date range

PF Rejects Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Previously Funded Reject transactions funded for the date range

PF Rejects Net Amount

Net amount of Previously Funded Reject transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Sale transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Refund transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Net Amount

Net amount of MC/VISA transactions funded for the date range

Amex Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Amex Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Amex Net Amount

Net amount of Amex Card transactions funded for the date range

Discover Debits (Sales) ) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Discover Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Discover Net Amount

Net amount of Discover Card transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Net Amount

Net amount of Other CC Card transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Debit Cards Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Debit Cards Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Debit Cards Card transactions funded for the date range

Debits (Sales) Total Funded

Total amount of Sales Debit transactions funded for the date range

Credits (Refunds) Total Funded

Total amount of Refund Credit transactions funded for the date range

Total Funded Amount Net

Net amount funded for the date range

Generating a Deposit Detail Report

To generate a pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports on the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reports tab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

  6. Click on the Deposit Detail button.

The Date field refers to the date that Forte settled or funded the transactions and includes eCheck and Credit Cards as well as any rejected or unfunded transactions in the deposit. This field defaults to the current date and the previous days date. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive days of data going back two years.

  • NOTE: When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date the merchant sees on their bank statement.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Deposit Summary Report

Understanding the Deposit Summary Report

The Deposit Summary report shows the total dollar amount funded into the merchant’s bank account and is available after the transactions have been settled or funded. The totals include any rejected or unfunded transactions in the deposit as well as convenience fees if applicable.

When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report, sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date on the bank statement.

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary by Date section:




Effective Funding Date Format: MMM DD, YYYY


Total amount deposited for eCheck transactions for the time period


Total amount deposited for MC/VISA transactions for the time period


Total amount deposited for Amex transactions for the time period


Total amount deposited for Discover Card transactions for the time period

Other CC

Total amount deposited for Other Credit Card transactions for the time period

Debit Cards

Total amount deposited for Debit Card transactions for the time period

Total Deposit

Total amount deposited for all transactions for the time period

Grand Total eChecks

Total amount deposited for eCheck transactions for the time period

Grand Total MC/VISA

Total amount deposited for MC/VISA transactions for the time period

Grand Total Amex

Total amount deposited for Amex transactions for the time period

Grand Total Discover

Total amount deposited for Discover transactions for the time period

Grand Total Other CC

Total amount deposited for Other Credit Card transactions for the time period

Grand Total Debit Cards

Total amount deposited for Debit Card transactions for the time period

Grand Total Deposit

Total amount deposited for all transaction types for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary – Debit (Sales) and Credits (Refunds) section:



eChecks Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions funded for the date range

eChecks Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions funded for the date range

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Sale transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of MC/VISA Refund transactions funded for the date range

MC/VISA Net Amount

Net amount of MC/VISA transactions funded for the date range

Amex Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Amex Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Amex Net Amount

Net amount of Amex Card transactions funded for the date range

Discover Debits (Sales) ) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Discover Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Discover Net Amount

Net amount of Discover Card transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Other CC Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Other CC Net Amount

Net amount of Other CC Card transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Debits (Sales) Amount

Total amount of Debit Cards Card Sales transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Credits (Refunds) Amount

Total amount of Debit Cards Card Refunds transactions funded for the date range

Debit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Debit Cards Card transactions funded for the date range

Debits (Sales) Total Funded

Total amount of Sales Debit transactions funded for the date range

Credits (Refunds) Total Funded

Total amount of Refund Credit transactions funded for the date range

Total Funded Amount Net

Net amount of the funded transactions for the date range

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary – Resubmitted eChecks section:



Attempt 1

Transaction funded on the first attempt

Attempt 2

Transaction funded on the second attempt

Attempt 3

Transaction funded on the third attempt

Gross Qty - Attempt 1

Number of eCheck transactions funded on the first attempt for the date range

Gross Qty - Attempt 2

Number of eCheck transactions funded on the second attempt for the date range

Gross Qty - Attempt 3

Number of eCheck transactions funded on the third attempt for the date range

Attempted $ - Attempt 1

Total dollar amount of the eCheck transactions submitted - First Attempt for the date range

Attempted $ - Attempt 2

Total dollar amount of the eCheck transactions submitted - Second Attempt for the date range

Attempted $ - Attempt 3

Total dollar amount of the eCheck transactions submitted - Third Attempt for the date range

Qty Funded - Attempt 1

Total number of submitted eCheck transactions funded from the Gross Quantity submitted - First Attempt for the date range

Qty Funded - Attempt 2

Total number of submitted eCheck transactions funded from the Gross number submitted - Second Attempt for the date range

Qty Funded - Attempt 3

Total number of submitted eCheck transactions funded from the Gross number submitted - Third Attempt for the date range

% Cleared - Attempt 1

Percent of submitted eCheck transactions that cleared on the First Attempt for the date range

% Cleared - Attempt 2

Percent of submitted eCheck transactions that cleared on the Second Attempt for the date range

% Cleared - Attempt 3

Percent of submitted eCheck transactions that cleared on the Third Attempt for the date range

Funded Amount - Attempt 1

Dollar amount funded on the first attempt for submitted eCheck transactions for the date range

Funded Amount - Attempt 2

Dollar amount funded on the second attempt for submitted eCheck transactions for the date range

Funded Amount - Attempt 3

Dollar amount funded on the third attempt for submitted eCheck transactions for the date range

Gross Qty - Totals

Total Gross number of submitted eCheck transactions attempted for the date range

Attempted $ - Totals

Total dollar amount for all submitted eCheck transaction attempted for the date range

Qty Funded - Totals

Total number of submitted eCheck transactions that were funded for the date range

% Cleared - Totals

Total percent of the number of resubmitted eCheck transactions that cleared for the date range

Funded Amount - Totals

Total dollar amount of resubmitted eCheck transactions that were funded for the date range

Generating a Deposit Summary Report

To generate a pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports in the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reports tab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

  6. Click on the Deposit Summary button

The Date field refers to the date that Forte settled or funded the transactions and includes eCheck and Credit Cards as well as any rejected or unfunded transactions in the deposit. This field defaults to the current date and the previous days date. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive days of data going back two years.

  • NOTE: When Forte funds a deposit, the merchant sees it the next business day. When pulling the deposit detail report sometimes it helps to search the report a business day before the date, the merchant sees on their bank statement.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Origination Received Detail Expanded Report

The Received Detail Expanded report is reflective of all the transactions, eCheck and Credit Cards, that Forte received from the merchant, including declines.

The report Includes:

  • A list of all transactions (CC and eCheck (ACH)) received from the merchant (approvals and declines)

  • Timestamp, User, Routing Number and Last four of the account number

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Detail by Date section:




The time the transaction was received

Presented as HH:MM AM/PM

Customer Name

The first and last name of the customer or the company name associated with the customer

Card Holder Name

The first and last name of the cardholder

Transaction Info

Information from the Consumer Order ID field

Trans Type

Action the transaction performs | Method used to perform the transaction Supported options include the following:

Credit Card Actions: the action the transaction performs. Supported options include the following:




Force/External Auth

Balance Inquiry

Credit Card Methods:

American Express






ACH (eCheck) Actions: The action the transaction performs. Supported options include the following:






ACH (eCheck) Methods:

ACH Debit

ACH Credit

Routing Number

The TRN or routing number of the bank. This value is typically the first number listed at the bottom of the check.

Last 4

Last 4The last four digits of the customer's credit card PAN.

CC Exp

The year and month when the credit card expires in yyyy/mm format.


The numeric authorization code generated for the transaction (e.g., 244234).


Credit Card Transactions The status of the transaction's authorization. Supported values include the following:

Authorized - The customer's payment was authorized. To complete the sale, the item must be captured from the Transaction's Details page.

Declined - The transaction was declined for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description fields.

Ready - The transaction was received and is awaiting settlement.

Review - Transaction was unable to be settled due to a merchant configuration issue. Contact Customer Service to resolve the issue.

Settled - The credit card item has been funded to the merchant's bank account.

Voided - The transaction was voided and the item will not be originated or settled.

Unfunded - For debit transactions, funds have been removed from the merchant's bank account because of sale transaction returns or dispute losses. For credit transactions, funds have added to the merchant's bank account because of refund dispute losses and refund transaction returns.

ACH (eCheck) Transactions: The status of the transaction's authorization. Supported values include the following:

Authorized - The customer's payment was authorized. To complete the sale, the item must be captured from the Transaction's Details page.

Complete - eCheck verification was performed and the results were positive (POS) or unknown (UNK).

Declined - The transaction was declined for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description parameters.

Failed - An echeck verification was performed via Validate/Validate+ and the results were negative (NEG) or the transaction failed for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description.

Funded - The echeck item was funded to or from the merchant's bank account.

Ready - The transaction was received and is awaiting settlement.

Review - Transaction was unable to be settled due to a merchant configuration issue. Contact Customer Service to resolve the issue.

Settle - The echeck item has been funded to the merchant's bank account.

Unfunded - A previously funded echeck item has been returned and funding was reversed.

Voided - The transaction was voided and the item will not be originated or settled.


The amount of the transaction received

The following fields are included in the Summary by Date section:



eChecks Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions received for the time period

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions received for the time period

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions received for the time period

eChecks Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Sales transactions received for the time period

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Refunds transactions received for the time period

eChecks Net Qty

Total number of eCheck transactions received for the time period

MAST Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Mastercard Sale transactions received for the date

MAST Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Mastercard Refund transactions received for the date

MAST Net Amount

Net amount of Mastercard transactions received for the date

MAST Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Mastercard Sale transactions received for the date

MAST Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Mastercard Refund transactions received for the date

MAST Net Qty

Total number of Mastercard transactions received for the date

Visa Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Visa Card Sale transactions received for the date

Visa Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Visa Card Refund transactions received for the date

Visa Net Amount

Net amount of Visa Card transactions received for the date

Visa Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Visa Card Sales transactions received for the date

Visa Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Visa Card Refund transactions received for the date

Visa Net Qty

Total number of Visa Card transactions received for the date

Amex Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Sale transactions received for the date

Amex Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Refund transactions received for the date

Amex Net Amount

Net amount of Amex Card transactions received for the date

Amex Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Amex Card Sale transactions received for the date

Amex Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Amex Card Refund transactions received for the date

AmEx Net Qty

Total number of Amex Card transactions received for the date

Disc Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Sale transactions received for the date

Disc Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions received for the date

Disc Net Amount

Net amount of Discover Card transactions received for the date

Disc Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Discover Card Sale transactions received for the date

Disc Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Discover Card Refund transactions received for the date

Disc Net Qty

Total number of Discover Card transactions received for the date

Sales (Debits) Total Amount

Total amount of Sales transactions received for the time period

Refunds (Credits) Total Amount

Total amount of Refund transactions received for the time period

Total Amount Net

Net amount of the Total transactions received for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary section:



eChecks Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions received for the date range

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions received for the date range

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions received for the date range

eChecks Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Sales transactions received for the date range

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Refunds transactions received for the date range

eChecks Net Qty

Total number of eCheck transactions received for the date range

MAST Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Mastercard Sale transactions received for the date range

MAST Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Mastercard Refund transactions received for the date range

MAST Net Amount

Net amount of Mastercard transactions received for the date range

MAST Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Mastercard Sale transactions received for the date range

MAST Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Mastercard Refund transactions received for the date range

MAST Net Qty

Total number of Mastercard transactions received for the date range

Visa Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Visa Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Visa Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Visa Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Visa Net Amount

Net amount of Visa Card transactions received for the date range

Visa Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Visa Card Sales transactions received for the date range

Visa Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Visa Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Visa Net Qty

Total number of Visa Card transactions received for the date range

Amex Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Amex Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Amex Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Amex Net Amount

Net amount of Amex Card transactions received for the date range

Amex Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Amex Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Amex Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Amex Card Refund transactions received for the date range

AmEx Net Qty

Total number of Amex Card transactions received for the date range

Disc Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Disc Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Discover Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Disc Net Amount

Net amount of Discover Card transactions received for the date range

Disc Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Discover Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Disc Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Discover Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Disc Net Qty

Total number of Discover Card transactions received for the date range

Sales (Debits) Total Amount

Total amount of Sale/Debit transactions received for the date range

Refunds (Credits) Total Amount

Total amount of Refund/Credit transactions received for the date range

Total Amount Net

Net amount of the Total transactions received for the date range

Generating a Received Detail Expanded Report

To generate the pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports in the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reports tab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

  6. Click on the Origination Received Detail Expanded button.

The Date field refers to the date that Forte received the transactions from the merchant whether ACH or CC, including declines.

This field defaults to the current date and the previous days date. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive days of data going back two years.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Origination Received Detail Report

Received Detail Report

The Received Detail report is reflective of all the transactions, eCheck and Credit Cards, that Forte received from the merchant, including declines.

The report Includes:

  • A list of all transactions (CC and eCheck (ACH)) received from the merchant (approvals and declines)

  • A Summary of the transactions received

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Detail by Date section:




The time the transaction was received

Presented as HH:MM AM/PM

Customer Name

The first and last name of the customer or the company name associated with the customer

Transaction Info

Information from the Consumer Order ID field

Entered By

The name or API key of the user that created this transaction

Trans Type

Action the transaction performs | Method used to perform the transactionSupported options include the following:

Credit Card Actions:

the action the transaction performs. Supported options include the following:




Force/External Auth

Balance Inquiry

Credit Card Methods:

American Express






ACH (eCheck) Actions:

The action the transaction performs. Supported options include the following:






ACH (eCheck) Methods:

ACH Debit

ACH Credit


The number of times Forte has attempted to collect the funds for this transaction

Response Code Approval and Declines

The three digit response code returned with the transaction. For a list of transaction response codes, see Transaction Codes in Forte's Developer Documentation

Response Description

The description that corresponds to the response code returned with the transaction. For a list of transaction response code descriptions, see Transaction Code Descriptions in Forte's Developer Documentation.


Credit Card TransactionsThe status of the transaction's authorization. Supported values include the following:

Authorized - The customer's payment was authorized. To complete the sale, the item must be captured from the Transaction's Details page.

Declined - The transaction was declined for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description fields.

Ready - The transaction was received and is awaiting settlement.

Review - Transaction was unable to be settled due to a merchant configuration issue. Contact Customer Service to resolve the issue.

Settled - The credit card item has been funded to the merchant's bank account.

Voided - The transaction was voided and the item will not be originated or settled.

Unfunded - For debit transactions, funds have been removed from the merchant's bank account because of sale transaction returns or dispute losses. For credit transactions, funds have added to the merchant's bank account because of refund dispute losses and refund transaction returns.

ACH (eCheck) Transactions:

The status of the transaction's authorization. Supported values include the following:

Authorized - The customer's payment was authorized. To complete the sale, the item must be captured from the Transaction's Details page.

Complete - eCheck verification was performed and the results were positive (POS) or unknown (UNK).

Declined - The transaction was declined for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description parameters.

Failed - An echeck verification was performed via Validate/Validate+ and the results were negative (NEG) or the transaction failed for reasons detailed in the Response Code and Response Description.

Funded - The echeck item was funded to or from the merchant's bank account.

Ready - The transaction was received and is awaiting settlement.

Review - Transaction was unable to be settled due to a merchant configuration issue. Contact Customer Service to resolve the issue.

Settle - The echeck item has been funded to the merchant's bank account.

Unfunded - A previously funded echeck item has been returned and funding was reversed.

Voided - The transaction was voided and the item will not be originated or settled.


The amount of the transaction received

Total For Merchant

Total amount of the transactions received for the date

The following fields are included in the Summary by Date section:



eChecks Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions received for the time period

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions received for the time period

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions received for the time period

eChecks Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Sales transactions received for the time period

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Refunds transactions received for the time period

eChecks Net Qty

Total number of eCheck transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Credit Cards Sale transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Credit Cards Refund transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Credit Card transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Credit Card Sale transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Credit Card Refund transactions received for the time period

Credit Cards Net Qty

Total number of Credit Card transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Sale transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Refund transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Debit Card transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Debit Card Sales transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Debit Card Refunds transactions received for the time period

Debit Cards Net Qty

Total number of Debit Card transactions received for the time period

Sales (Debits) Total Amount

Total amount of Sales transactions received for the time period

Refunds (Credits) Total Amount

Total amount of Refund transactions received for the time period

Total Amount Net

Net amount of the Total transactions received for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary section:



eChecks Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Sale transactions received for the date range

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of eCheck Refund transactions received for the date range

eChecks Net Amount

Net amount of eCheck transactions received for the date range

eChecks Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Sales transactions received for the date range

eChecks Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of eCheck Refunds transactions received for the date range

eChecks Net Qty

Total number of eCheck transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Credit Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Credit Cards Refund transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Credit Card transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Credit Card Sale transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Credit Card Refund transactions received for the date range

Credit Cards Net Qty

Net number of Credit Card transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Sales (Debits) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Sales transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Refunds (Credits) Amount

Total amount of Debit Card Refunds transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Net Amount

Net amount of Debit Card transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Sales (Debits) Qty

Total number of Debit Card Sales transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Refunds (Credits) Qty

Total number of Debit Card Refunds transactions received for the date range

Debit Cards Net QTY

Net number of Debit Card transactions received for the date range

Sales (Debits) Total Amount

Total amount of Sales Debits transactions received for the date range

Refunds (Credits) Total Amount

Total amount of Refund Credits transactions received for the date range

Total Amount Net

Net amount of the Total transactions received for the date range

Generating a Received Detail Report

To generate the pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reports in the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reports tab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locations field to select/change the location of the report.

  6. Click on the Origination Received Detail button.

The Date field refers to the date that Forte received the transactions from the merchant whether ACH or CC, including declines.

This field defaults to the current date and the previous days date. Reports can include up to 366 consecutive days of data going back two years.

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Return Detail Report

Understanding the Return Item Detail Report

The Return Item Detail report lists any transaction included in the returns that have been rejected or unfunded from the bank for ACH transactions only.

An ACH chargeback is a return. What determines a chargeback is the R code used on the return. ACH Chargebacks, this information is on the returns report listed with all the returns. The chargebacks will be R05, R07, R10 and R29 declines.

The Reports tab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

Report Values

The following fields are included in the Details by Return Code section for the time period:



Orig Date

Origination date of the transaction

Customer Information

Bill to First Name Bill to Last Name or Company Name plus Consumer ID Info

Entry Item/Description

Entry Item/Description received in the batch file submitted

Transaction Information

Data contained in the Consumer Order ID field in dex


Method Used to create the transactioneCheck Method:


Debit Credit

Debit or Credit
D = Debit

C = Credit


Number of attempts to submit the transaction

Tran Amount

Transaction Amount

Fund Amount

Amount of the transaction funded to the merchant

Totals for Merchant

Total amount of the transactions funded to the merchant for the time period

Total for Return Code

Total amount of the transactions funded to the merchant for the Return Code and time period

The following fields are included in the Totals by Return Code section for the time period:




Return Code for the transaction(s):Values are:

C00 - Credit Card Chargeback

R01 - Insufficient Funds

R02 - Account Closed

R03 - No Account

R04 - Invalid Account Number

R07 - Auth Revoked

R08 - Payment Stopped

R10 - Customer not Authorized

R24 - Duplicate Entry

R29 - Corporate Not Authorized

R* - Other

U00 - Credit Card Unchargeback

Quantity Total

Total number of Returns for the return type (return code) and the time period

Amount Total

Total dollar amount of the returns for the return type (return Code) and the time period

Funded Amount

Total funded amount of the returns for the return type (return code) and time period

% of Rejects

Percentage of return items that were rejects for the time period


Return Code (Type) description:Values are:

C00 - Credit Card Chargeback

R01 - Insufficient Funds

R02 - Account Closed

R03 - No Account

R04 - Invalid Account Number

R07 - Auth Revoked

R08 - Payment Stopped

R10 - Customer not Authorized

R24 - Duplicate Entry

R29 - Corporate Not Authorized

R* - Other

U00 - Credit Card Unchargeback

Quantity Total

Total number of return items for the time period

Amount Total

Total amount of the return items for the time period

Funded Amount Total

Total funded amount of the returns for the time period

The following fields are included in the Overall Summary section for the time period:




Return Code for the transaction(s):Values are:

C00 - Credit Card Chargeback

R01 - Insufficient Funds

R02 - Account Closed

R03 - No Account

R04 - Invalid Account Number

R07 - Auth Revoked

R08 - Payment Stopped

R10 - Customer not Authorized

R24 - Duplicate Entry

R29 - Corporate Not Authorized

R* - Other

U00 - Credit Card Unchargeback


Number of Returns for the return type (return code) and the date range


Total dollar amount of the returns for the return type (return Code) and the date range

Funded Amount

Total funded amount of the returns for for the return type (return code) and the date range

% of Rejects

Percentage of return items that were rejects for the date range


Return Code (Type) description:Values are:

C00 - Credit Card Chargeback

R01 - Insufficient Funds

R02 - Account Closed

R03 - No Account

R04 - Invalid Account Number

R07 - Auth Revoked

R08 - Payment Stopped

R10 - Customer not Authorized

R24 - Duplicate Entry

R29 - Corporate Not Authorized

R* - Other

U00 - Credit Card Unchargeback

Quantity Total

Total number of return items for the date range

Amount Total

Total amount of return items for the date range

Funded Amount Total

Total funded amount of the returns for the date range

Generating a Return Item Detail Report

To generate a pdf report:

  1. Navigate to the merchant organization level.

  2. Click Reportsin the left main menu.

  3. Click on the Virtual Terminal Reportstab.

  4. Click the Date field to choose specific dates for your report.

  5. Click the Locationsfield to select/change the location of the report.

  6. Click on the Return Detail button

The first time you access the report, the location defaults to the first one in the Locations list. After this initial access, the Locations field defaults to the last location you selected. The list includes all locations within the merchant organization that have a status of live, on hold, deleted, or closed. Only one location can be selected per report.

NOTE: The Reportstab is visible only when you have your home account set to a merchant organization.

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