Migrate SOAP Web Service calls to REST API calls

Integrating with CSG Forte's REST API takes only a few simple steps. Once you're connected, you will have access to a robust payment processing solution that provides efficient access to your business' data.

If you are a SOAP user, find below guide for you to quickly go through the respective REST API calls to which your SOAP web services must be migrated.

There are numerous business benefits of migrating from SOAP web services to REST. Let us take a look at few of the major benefits.

Benefits of REST APIs

  • Flexible and lightweight implementation.
  • Infrastructure friendly as network load balancers, firewalls, proxies, etc. are all optimized for RESTful traffic because they are optimized for HTTP/S traffic.
  • Highly scalable as they are stateless as they rely on multiple communication protocols.
  • REST service returns JSON, which is the de-facto standard, and these JSON payloads are smaller than their XML counterparts.
  • Supports multi programming language such as JSON,​​ Java, PHP, Ruby, VB.Net
  • AVS/ Address Verification Service (Check and warn, check and decline) for US addresses.
  • Supports Convenience Fee ​​​transaction.
  • Service-side Web​hook.
  • Supports one-time token.
  • Ability to create permanent token out of Forte.Js one-time token.
Quick links for easy reference are towards the end of the page. Refer the following sections which gives you one to one mappings of the SOAP web service calls to their respective REST API calls.

Existing Merchants (Partners Only)

Merchant – Get Hierarchy Tree


Equivalent REST resource

SOAP sandbox:

REST sandbox:


REST method: POST

New Merchant Applications (Partners Only)

Create Application


Equivalent REST resource

SOAP sandbox:

REST sandbox:


Rest Method: POST

Get Application Document Status

Get Application Status

Update Application Status

Upload Document

Clients / Customers

Create Client

Delete Client

Get Client

Update Client

Payment Methods

Create Payment Method

Get Payment Method

Update Payment Method

Delete Payment Method


Post a transaction

Get Transaction

Search Transactions

Get Origination Summary

Get Received Detail


Get Received Summary



Get Settlement Detail

Get Settle Summary


Get Settle Activity

Quick Links for easy references

SOAP developer documentation:



REST developer documentation:



Setup a REST Integration:


Using REST Webhooks:




Production: https://api.forte.net/v3/

Sandbox: https://sandbox.forte.net/api/v3/

Forte.js developer documentation:

To tokenize credit cards without falling under PCI scope.


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