The transactions
object captures all the transaction(s) associated with a merchant location. The transactions
object includes the address
, card
, echeck
, line_items
and xdata
sub-objects. Token-based transactions will use default addresses and will require you to set the customer's default shipping and billing addresses prior to passing transaction data. The transaction
object supports both Canadian and U.S.-based addresses and payment methods. For more information on how to correctly format Canadian routing numbers see the echeck.routing_number
Transactions Object
organization_id | The identification number of the associated organization. For example, org_5551236. | string | R |
location_id | The identification number of the associated location. For example, loc_1234568. | string | R |
action |
| string | R |
status | The current dispositon of the transaction. For a list of transaction status values, click here | string | -- |
customer_token | A unique string used to represent a customer. For example, cst_SoGUG6mcLUS1nVzYBIbk3g. Transactions can be created using only a customer_token (i.e., the merchant does not need to pass the paymethods object or a paymethod_token) if the customer has defined a default_paymethod_token in the customer object. [max length = 26] | string | R |
customer_id | A merchant-defined string used to identify the customer. [max length = 15] | string | O |
paymethod_token | A unique string used to represent a payment method. For example, mth_1578436587. [max length = 26] | string | O |
reference_id | A merchant-defined string that identifies the transaction.[max length = 15] | string | O |
authorization_amount | The amount to be charged/credited to the customer. | decimal | R |
order_number | A merchant-assigned ID code that is returned with the transaction response. [max length = 36] | string | O |
original_transaction_id | The trace number returned by the original transaction. [max length = 36] | string | O |
transaction_id | A 36-character code that uniquely identifies the transaction. | string | O |
authorization_code | An approval code from a vendor that authorizes a merchant to void a transaction. | object | R |
entered_by | The name or the ID of the person entering the data. [max length = 20] | string | O |
received_date | The date the merchant received the transaction. This parameter is return only. | datetime | -- |
origination_date | The date the funds of the transaction go to the originating depository financial institution. This parameter is return only. | datetime | -- |
sales_tax_amount | The sales tax amount. This field is only required for procurement card transactions. | decimal | O |
subtotal_amount | The base amount of the good or service. This parameter is auto-calculated and is not required for requests. Use this parameter when calculating service fees. | decimal | -- |
service_fee_amount | The service fee (i.e., convenience fee) for this transaction. Use the following definitions when calculating a service fee:
| decimal | O |
recurring_indicator | A merchant-assigned flag used to indicate recurring credit card transactions for the following transaction types when set to true for POST-only requests:
NOTE: When set to true, this parameter could have an impact on a merchant's interchange rates depending on his or her credit card processor. Contact your processor for more information. | bool | O |
customer_ip_address | The customer's originating IP address. This parameter is used for fraud prevention and does not echo back in the response. [max length = 80] | string | O |
save_token | This parameter creates customer and/or paymethod tokens for any transaction POST request—whether passed via request parameters or via swipe data through the card.card_data parameter. Supported values include the following:
| string | O |
attempt_number | The number of times Forte has presented an ACH transaction for settlement. Values for this field can only be positive, whole numbers (e.g., attempt_number=1). This field is return only. [max length = 80] | string | -- |
cof_transaction_type | Indicates whether the credential on file (COF) transaction is recurring (0) or customer initiated (1). NOTE: If you are performing a zero-dollar authorization and only storing the payment method for future use, then the pg_cof_transaction_type should be 1. | int | -- |
cof_initial_transaction_id | The processor’s transaction ID of the first transaction for a stored credential on file. This field is required for non-tokenized, credential-on-file subsequent transactions. [max length = 20] | string | C |
billing_address | The Address Object | object | R |
billing_address.address_token | A unique string used to represent an address. For example, add_tq0hemmmtf-zsxgq689rew. | string | R |
billing_address.customer_token | A unique string used to represent a customer. For example, cst_SoGUG6mcLUS1nVzYBIbk3g. | string | R |
billing_address.organization_id | The identification number of the associated organization. For example, org_5551236. | string | R |
billing_address.location_id | The identification number of the associated location. For example, loc_1234568. | string | R |
billing_address.first_name | The first name of the user associated with this billing address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R |
billing_address.last_name | The last name of the user associated with this billing address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R |
billing_address.company_name | The name of the company associated with this billing address [max length = 20]. NOTE: The company_name parameter is required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R | | The phone number associated with this billing address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian phone numbers. [max length = 15] | string | O | | The email address associated with this billing address. [max length = 50] | string | O |
billing_address.label | A label that succinctly identifies the address. For example, "Work" or "Home." [max length = 50] | string | O |
billing_address.address_type | The type of address. Use one of the following values:
| string | O |
billing_address.shipping_address_type | Indicates whether the address is a residential or commercial address (if the address is both a billing and shipping address). | string | R |
billing_addreess.physical_address | The Physical Address Object. | object | O |
billing_address.physical_address.street_line1 | The first line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | O |
billing_address.physical_address.street_line2 | The second line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | O |
billing_address.physical_address.locality | Locality or city/town/village. [max length = 25] | string | O |
billing_address.physical_address.region | Region or state/province. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian regions. [max length = 2] | string | O | | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country abbreviation. [max length = 2] | string | O |
billing_address.physical_address.postal_code | Postal Code [max length = 15]. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes. | string | O |
shipping_address | The Address Object | object | O |
shipping_address.address_token | A unique string used to represent an address. For example, add_tq0hemmmtf-zsxgq689rew. | string | R |
shipping_address.customer_token | A unique string used to represent a customer. For example, cst_SoGUG6mcLUS1nVzYBIbk3g. | string | R |
shipping_address.organization_id | The identification number of the associated organization. For example, org_5551236. | string | R |
shipping_address.location_id | The identification number of the associated location. For example, loc_1234568. | string | R |
shipping_address.first_name | The first name of the user associated with this shipping address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R |
shipping_address.last_name | The last name of the user associated with this shipping address [max length = 25]. NOTE: The first_name and last_name parameters are required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R |
shipping_address.company_name | The name of the company associated with this shipping address [max length = 20]. NOTE: The company_name parameter is required for billing addresses when creating transactions without tokens. | string | R | | The phone number associated with this shipping address. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian phone numbers. [max length = 15] | string | O | | The email address associated with this shipping address. [max length = 50] | string | O |
shipping_address.label | A label that succinctly identifies the address. For example, "Work" or "Home." | string | O |
shipping_address.address_type | The type of address. Use one of the following values:
| string | O |
shipping_address.shipping_address_type | Indicates whether the address is a residential or commercial address. | string | R |
shipping_address.physical_address | The Physical Address Object. | object | O |
shipping_address.physical_address.street_line1 | The first line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | O |
shipping_address.physical_address.street_line2 | The second line of the street address. [max length = 35] | string | O |
shipping_address.physical_address.locality | Locality or city/town/village [max length = 25] | string | O |
shipping_address.physical_address.region | Region or state/province. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian regions. [max length = 2] | string | O | | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country abbreviation. [max length = 2] | string | O |
shipping_address.physical_address.postal_code | Postal Code [max length = 15]. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian postal codes. | string | O |
card | The Card Object | object | R |
card.card_type | The type of credit card [max length = 4]. Options for this field include the following:
| string | R |
card.name_on_card | The name printed on the credit card [max length = 50]. This field is required when creating a new record or creating a permanent token from a one-time token. | string | R |
card.last_4_account_number | The last four digits of the redacted account number. This field is return only. [max length = 4] | string | -- |
card.account_number | The card number. This field is required when creating a new record and can only contain digits. Forte echoes this parameter in the card.masked_account_number response parameter. [max length = 19]. | string | R |
card.expire_month | The expiration month. This field is required when creating a new record and must be a valid future date. [max length = 2]. | string | R |
card.expire_year | The expiration year. This field is required when creating a new record and must be a valid future date. [max length = 4]. | string | R |
card.card_verification_value | The card verification number. Forte does not store this field with the paymethod token, but echoes it back. [max length = 5]. | string | R |
card.procurement_card | Indicates whether or not this is a procurement card transaction. Accepted values are either true or false. For procurement card transactions, merchants must pass the customer_accounting_code field in the card object and the sales_tax_amount field in the transaction object. [max length = 5]. | bool | O |
card.customer_accounting_code | Lists the procurement card accounting code. Forte does not save this information if the merchant is creating a paymethod. [max length = 17] | string | O |
card.one_time_token | A single use token generated by Forte.js (e.g., ott_g7vnjqikszabzynu6eowbq). | string | O |
card.card_reader | The eight-digit device part number specifying which swipe device was used to capture the card data. Currently, only the following models and part numbers are supported when capturing encrypted card data:
- dynaflex2go(DynaFlex II Go)
| string | O |
card.card_data | The full set of swipe data received from the encrypting swipe device. [max length = 1500] | string | O |
card.card_emv_data | The full set of emv data received from the emv device. [max length = 1500] | string | O |
card.fallback_swipe | Indicates if this swiped transaction is a fallback swipe after a dipped transaction failed to process. Accepted values are either true or false [max length = 5] | bool | O |
card.wallet_cryptogram | This one-time encrypted string represents the transaction and merchant information | string | R |
card.wallet_type | This field will indicate the wallet used to obtain the cryptogram. Supported values: “ApplePay” | string | R |
card.wallet_source | This will indicate the platform on which the payment request was received. Web: integrations capturing payments on browser Mobile: Data values describing an InApp Transaction | string | R |
echeck | The eCheck Object | object | R |
echeck.account_holder | The name of the account owner. This field is required when creating or updating a new record. | string | R |
echeck.last_4_account_number | The last four digits of the redacted account number. This field is return only. [max length = 4] | string | -- |
echeck.account_number | The DDA or eCheck account number. This field is required when creating or updating a new record and can only contain digits. Forte echoes this parameter in the echeck.masked_account_number response parameter. | string | R |
echeck.routing_number | The transit routing number. This field supports both U.S. and Canadian routing numbers. NOTE: A Canadian routing number displayed on a check needs to be reformatted differently for electronic payments. If a check displays a routing number as BBBBB-AAA (where AAA indicates the Financial Institution and BBBBB is the branch), then the routing number must be changed to 0AAABBBBB to process the payment electronically. For example, if a check from an account issued by the Bank of Montreal showed the routing number 00011-001, then that number would need to be reformatted to 000100011 for the payment to be electronically processed. Click here for a directory of Canadian financial institutions. This field is required when creating or updating a new record and can only contain digits. [max length = 9]. | string | R |
echeck.account_type | >Use one of the following values for this parameter:
| string | O |
echeck.item_description | Check number or other description of item to be processed. NOTE: This field is only available for POST transactions and is not included in the paymethods object. | string | O |
echeck.sec_code | Use one of the following values for this standard-entry class code: ARC, CCD, CIE, CTX, POP, POS, PPD, RCK, TEL, WEB. For eCheck transactions, it is only required for action= "sale", "authorize", "credit" and "force". Otherwise (e.g. "verify", "authenticate") it should be null. For more information on SEC codes, see the ACH Standard Entry Class (SEC) Codes Tutorial. This parameter is required to conform with a NACHA requirement that states when submitting a transaction for processing, the originator must designate how the transaction was authorized. Forte customers primarily use the PPD, CCD, and WEB SEC codes. | string | C |
echeck.one_time_token | A single use token generated by Forte.js (e.g., ott_g7vnjqikszabzynu6eowbq). | string | O |
line_items | The Line Items Object. | object | O |
line_items.line_item_header | Description of the data elements contained within each line item. This header will be displayed when viewing transaction details. | string | O |
line_items.line_item_1-10000 | Contents of the line item formatted according to the line_item_header. | string | O |
xdata | The Xdata Object | object | O |
xdata.xdata_1-9 | Up to nine fields (1-9) of extra data that can be associated with a schedule or transaction. Each xdata_# field can contain up to 255 characters. | string | O |
vendor | The vendor Object | object | O |
vendor.vendor_type | The supported vendor types include the following. PayPal | string | R |
vendor.vendor_order_number | The ID of the order **Note:**The vendor_order_number is required for vendor when creating transaction without PayPal tokens | string | R |
vendor.vendor_billing_agreement_id | The ID of PayPal billing agreement NOTE:The vendor_billing_agreement_id is required for vendor when creating transaction with PayPal tokens. | string | R |
POST Transaction (Credit Card)
Accepted card types (debit and credit) include Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Diners and JCB.
This URI can perform the following tasks while returning a new transaction_id
Create an ad-hoc transaction. Note: If the intent is to authorize and immediately capture the transaction, it is recommended that a sale transaction is sent.
Create a transaction based on the customer token using the default billing address
Create a transaction based on the customer and paymethod tokens using the customer default billing address
Create a transaction based on the paymethod token, which requires the address in the request message
Reverse a sale transaction and create a credit transaction, which requires the
of the original transaction
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2020",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_9eab1d30-5326-4d15-b500-5d04c1e74839",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2017,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
Headers (14) |
access-control-allow-origin |
* |
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no-cache |
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keep-alive |
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gzip |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
date |
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 19:46:25 GMT |
expires |
-1 |
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no-cache |
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Microsoft-IIS/8.5 |
transfer-encoding |
chunked |
x-aspnet-version |
4.0.30319 |
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Incapsula |
x-iinfo |
2-131583173-131583178 SNNN RT(1512416771484 13905) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
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"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": "5.00",
"service_fee_amount": "0.25",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card": {
"card_reader": "dynaflex2go",
"card_emv_data": "{\"DeviceID\":\"[USBDynaFlex]B84V7A5\",\"TransactionOutput\":{\"TransactionType\":1,\"TransactionStatus\":0,\"OperationStatus\":0,\"DataType\":2,\"ApplicationIdentifier\":\"A0000000031010\",\"CardBrand\":\"Visa\",\"ARQCData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atchData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awARQCData\":\"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\",\"RawBatchData\":\"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\",\"KSN\":\"9070050B54E7A500006A\",\"DeviceSerialNumber\":\"42353445374135\",\"EncryptionType\":\"80\",\"NumberOfPaddedBytes\":0,\"NumberOfPaddedBytesForBatch\":1,\"EMVSREDData\":\"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\",\"EMVSREDDataForBatch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erchantData\":\"9C01005F25030907015F24032412315F2A0208405F3401015F5701009F02060000000001009F03060000000000009F0607A00000000310109F1C0830303030303030309F34031E03009F390105DFDF400101DFDF4D223B343736313733303030303030303032393D3030303030303030303030303030303F\",\"FallbackIndicator\":\"00\",\"MaskedICCTrack2\":\"3B343736313733303030303030303032393D3030303030303030303030303030303F\",\"CardType\":\"05\",\"ApprovalStatus\":0},\"ResultStatus\":true,\"ResultMessage\":\"Batchdatareceived\"}"
POST Initial Sale Transaction (Digital Wallets)
Note: Sending digital wallet transactions to Forte requires enablement at the merchant (location) level, and compliance with a set of prerequisites defined for each wallet. Currently this feature is certified for Apple Pay TM,Google PayTM in merchants processing credit card payments with Fiserv and Vantiv, please check additional requirements here.
For the Initial sale transaction, the following additional parameters from the wallet’s decrypted payload should be sent to the transaction endpoint:
card.account_number = DPAN
transaction.cof_transaction_type = 1
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 3.00,
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"card_type": "visa",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2030",
"wallet_type": "ApplePay",
"wallet_source": "Web",
"wallet_cryptogram": "1K4ortp4uVams7mfCPohYcF"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 3.00,
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"card_type": "visa",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2030",
"wallet_type": "ApplePay",
"wallet_source": "Web",
"wallet_cryptogram": "1K4ortp4uVams7mfCPohYcF"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_6fcaa151-57ad-4fc6-95fd-63e01d6b25b3",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 3.00,
"subtotal_amount": 2.00,
"authorization_code": "0IN552",
"entered_by": "3c28bbf362bf661820ea102642c7a9d6",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2030,
"card_type": "visa",
"wallet_type": "ApplePay"
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "0IN552",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
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Mon, 04 Dec 2017 19:46:25 GMT |
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2-131583173-131583178 SNNN RT(1512416771484 13905) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
Example Request
POST Transaction (PayPal)
subject which includes vendor_order_number
, vendor_type=paypal
parameters and returning a new transaction_id.
- Ensure billing information and shipping Information passed in the request must match the billing information associated with PayPal account ,which can be retrieved using a GET Order by ID.This ensures that the transaction is processed and linked to the correct PayPal account and billing details.
- Ensure order_number parameter sent in the request must matches the
passed in request when creating the PayPal order - The
parameter is not supported for PayPal sale transactions.
"action": "sale",
"customer_id": "Customer1",
"reference_id": "ref_id",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_order_number": "8XJ96991U0723350T"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "888-888-8888",
"email": "",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "BA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "SA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth_Organization_Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"action": "sale",
"customer_id": "Customer1",
"reference_id": "ref_id",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_order_number": "8XJ96991U0723350T"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "888-888-8888",
"email": "",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "BA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
"shipping_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "SA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_313e16ba-1f59-49a3-a6fd-5bd22bec1b36",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_id": "Customer1",
"reference_id": "ref_id",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"authorization_code": "90713197",
"entered_by": "af4160261691a85917ea2491fe440633",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "888-888-8888",
"email": "",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "BA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
"shipping_address": {
"company_name": "Jennifer McFly",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "SA Line 1",
"locality": "Allen",
"region": "TX",
"postal_code": "560013",
"country": "US"
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_order_number": "8XJ96991U0723350T"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "90713197"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
POST Subsequent Transaction with DPAN (Digital Wallets)
To send subsequent sale transactions after an initial transaction was authorized using DPAN you will need to submit transaction.cof_initial_transaction_id
as received in the initial transaction response.
card.account_number = DPAN
transaction.cof_transaction_type = 0 (recurring)
"name_on_card":"Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "123123123123"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"name_on_card":"Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "123123123123"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_47e31e47-0112-40a0-bea7-9c18ec1fe502",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5,
"service_fee_amount": 3,
"subtotal_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "9TD084",
"entered_by": "3c28bbf362bf661820ea102642c7a9d6",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2030,
"card_type": "visa",
"wallet_type": "ApplePay"
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "123123123123",
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "9TD084",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
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2-131583173-131583178 SNNN RT(1512416771484 13905) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Subsequent Transaction with Token (Digital Wallets)
To send subsequent sale transactions after an initial transaction was authorized using Payment Method Tokens you will need to submit transaction.paymethod_token
, indicate that this is a subsequent transaction sending transaction.cof_transaction_type: 0
and specifying card.wallet_source
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 3.00,
"paymethod_token": "mth_R2R5wyAiQJmp06xbB24KQA",
"card": {
"wallet_source": "web"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "295070186326529"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 3.00,
"paymethod_token": "mth_R2R5wyAiQJmp06xbB24KQA",
"card": {
"wallet_source": "web"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "295070186326529"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_46fe0a79-c022-4f27-8ec1-27193649a572",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"paymethod_token": "mth_R2R5wyAiQJmp06xbB24KQA",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5,
"service_fee_amount": 3,
"subtotal_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "7KP191",
"entered_by": "3c28bbf362bf661820ea102642c7a9d6",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"cof_transaction_type": "0",
"cof_initial_transaction_id": "295070186326529",
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "7KP191",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M",
"paymethod_token": "mth_R2R5wyAiQJmp06xbB24KQA"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
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Mon, 04 Dec 2017 19:46:25 GMT |
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2-131583173-131583178 SNNN RT(1512416771484 13905) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Transaction with Credit Card Token
This URI creates sale transactions using an existing paymethod_token
. A token is a random string of alpha-numeric characters that represent a payment method, which Forte stores in an encrypted database. Along with encryption, tokenization is used in the payments industry to protect sensitive data.
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Response
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"card": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
} "cof_transaction_type": "0"
Headers (8) |
Date |
Wed, 08 Jan 2020 22:18:22 GMT |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
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453 |
Connection |
keep-alive |
Cache-Control |
no-cache |
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server |
POST Transaction with eCheck Token
This URI creates sale transactions using an existing paymethod_token
. A token is a random string of alpha-numeric characters that represent a payment method, which Forte stores in an encrypted database. Along with encryption, tokenization is used in the payments industry to protect sensitive data.
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_d61b923a-9de2-433f-9a48-8e13f1acd17b",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "9b26093587d09d0f1a847083b2e605c1",
"echeck": {
"sec_code": "PPD"
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg"
Headers (8) |
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Wed, 08 Jan 2020 22:18:22 GMT |
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POST Transaction with PayPal Token
This URI creates sale transactions using an existing paymethod_token
. A token is a random string of alpha-numeric characters that represent a payment method, which Forte stores in an encrypted database. Along with encryption, tokenization is used in the payments industry to protect sensitive data.
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"paymethod_token": "mth_jmBCI5cDV0CuyFb7NWzrAg",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_2857fda7-2c53-4151-b257-39834f342094",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"paymethod_token": "mth_3KpxBy0mg0u88US41eA-2g",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 107.45,
"authorization_code": "88033476",
"entered_by": "af4160261691a85917ea2491fe440633",
"vendor": {
"vendor_type": "paypal",
"vendor_billing_agreement_id": "B-7H989178H5887753B"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "88033476",
"paymethod_token": "mth_3KpxBy0mg0u88US41eA-2g"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
POST Swiped Credit Card Transaction
Swiped card transactions require the card_reader
and card_data
parameters. For more information, see the Transactions Object.
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_reader": "30050202",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_reader": "30050202",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_574611cf-4db8-4b64-9eb3-a5347190030e",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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5-46249637-46249642 SNNN RT(1508449329886 24780) q(0 0 0 0) r(5 5) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Paymethod Token from a Swiped Transaction
Including the save_token
parameter in the body of your request creates customer and/or paymethod tokens from the card’s swipe data. The save_token
parameter supports the following values:
– Creates both a customer and paymethod tokenspaymethod
– Creates a clientless paymethod token (i.e., a paymethod token that is not associated to a customer token).
If you wish to create tokens from swipe data without creating a transaction, include the "action": "authorize"
and "authorization_amount": 0.01
parameters in the body of your request.
"authorization_amount": 0.01,
"save_token": "paymethod",
"card_reader": "30050202",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 0.01,
"save_token": "paymethod",
"card_reader": "30050202",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_169ca0c9-e444-49af-9d9f-c694d6c7f49e",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"paymethod_token": "mth_ObBhkYDlRMGGl4Xl-wzDTg",
"action": "authorize",
"authorization_amount": 0.01,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"save_token": "paymethod",
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M",
"paymethod_token": "mth_ObBhkYDlRMGGl4Xl-wzDTg"
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Thu, 19 Oct 2017 21:44:35 GMT |
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Microsoft-IIS/8.5 |
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chunked |
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x-iinfo |
5-46249637-46274438 NNNN CT(36 38 0) RT(1508449329886 144945) q(0 0 1 -1) r(5 5) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST EMV Transaction (eDynamo)
Use this endpoint with the following parameters to submit EMV transactions using your eDynamo device:
- `card.card_reader = 21079802`
- `card.card_emv_data`
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": "250.33",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card_reader": "21079802",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizaztionID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": "250.33",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card_reader": "21079802",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_c4425400-6ce2-415e-8b60-b740a2006c5a",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10.10,
"authorization_code": "08347A",
"entered_by": "a30b90079d76d13c8f7dc390ba917b8b",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card": {
"card_reader": "21079913"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "08358C",
"avs_result": "N",
"cvv_result": "P",
"emv_receipt_data": "application_label:MASTERCARD|entry_mode:CHIP|CVM:1E0400|AID:A0000000052110|TVR:8000008000|IAD:0110A00001220000000000000000000000EE|TSI:5701|ARC:"
Headers (8) |
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Tue, 12 Nov 2019 20:06:21 GMT |
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POST EMV Transaction (DynaFlex II Go)
Use this endpoint with the following parameters to submit EMV transactions using your DynaFlex II Go device:
- `card.card_reader = dynaflex2go `
- `card.card_emv_data`
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": "5.00",
"service_fee_amount": "0.25",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card": {
"card_reader": "dynaflex2go",
"card_emv_data": "{\"DeviceID\":\"[USBDynaFlex]B54E7W23\",\"TransactionOutput\":{\"TransactionType\":1,\"TransactionStatus\":0,\"OperationStatus\":0,\"DataType\":2,\"ApplicationIdentifier\":\"A0000000031010\",\"CardBrand\":\"Visa\",\"ARQCData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atchData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awARQCData\":\"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\",\"RawBatchData\":\"Aib5ggIi399UCpBwBQtU56UAAGrf31UBgt/fJQdCNTRFN0E1+oICAPCCAfzxggAK398aAQHf3xsBAPiCAW7f31mCAVBGbtjg5A7GikuGrwlqOOvXDBLX1JCf6/4S3+ZAlz7gVGRgQV2vbd2iwyaFdpcBuKP7x5RxaoRGeQoyomUe5RtZ3t8nbu9d0GoaQtVOAzuztVK/SOjbnDt+KsrtkInsMP50RdjJ5h3teQp4zWkkRYWzV/Tlgd2AkbyyEvcffRnCiHhnN+uBt1+ctoGvsr88qkcBgbflzK1cIejqLzVQJbr4uGlNxjnmEV8bZJx6r0Bm4Nyb7R9HIx2a/S1oxBLl4whtzs7y1qlJaZq7WLlRQcUkODtQR+LvcA5aNwGPkMcLsZHpEpIXJq0kQvT0gRUaSY2SrRSlrIHPE7B5A3ZYNKXS6QHV5iGNvx8tUijLFt5PnQtzuMVdROaDBK+8kqhSBHnkz+ejT3w877gIwfosswXF3lmTLPbN7CUB6+Wrf7yoxtnVg433gcXEmmf1HkE8S9jf31YKkHAFC1TnpQAAat/fVwGA399YAQH3ggB4nAEAXyUDCQcBXyQDJBIxXyoCCEBfNAEBX1cBAJ8CBgAAAAABAJ8DBgAAAAAAAJ8GB6AAAAADEBCfHAgwMDAwMDAwMJ80Ax4DAJ85AQXf30ABAd/fTSI7NDc2MTczMDAwMDAwMDAyOT0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDA/FnFMQQ==\",\"KSN\":\"9070050B54E7A500006A\",\"DeviceSerialNumber\":\"42353445374135\",\"EncryptionType\":\"80\",\"NumberOfPaddedBytes\":0,\"NumberOfPaddedBytesForBatch\":1,\"EMVSREDData\":\"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\",\"EMVSREDDataForBatch\":\"466ED8E0E40EC68A4B86AF096A38EBD70C12D7D4909FEBFE12DFE640973EE0546460415DAF6DDDA2C32685769701B8A3FBC794716A8446790A32A2651EE51B59DEDF276EEF5DD06A1A42D54E033BB3B552BF48E8DB9C3B7E2ACAED9089EC30FE7445D8C9E61DED790A78CD69244585B357F4E581DD8091BCB212F71F7D19C288786737EB81B75F9CB681AFB2BF3CAA470181B7E5CCAD5C21E8EA2F355025BAF8B8694DC639E6115F1B649C7AAF4066E0DC9BED1F47231D9AFD2D68C412E5E3086DCECEF2D6A949699ABB58B95141C524383B5047E2EF700E5A37018F90C70BB191E912921726AD2442F4F481151A498D92AD14A5AC81CF13B07903765834A5D2E901D5E6218DBF1F2D5228CB16DE4F9D0B73B8C55D44E68304AFBC92A8520479E4CFE7A34F7C3CEFB808C1FA2CB305C5DE59932CF6CDEC2501EBE5AB7FBCA8C6D9D5838DF781C5C49A67F51E413C4BD8\",\"MerchantData\":\"9C01005F25030907015F24032412315F2A0208405F3401015F5701009F0206000000000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Example Request
Example Name: EMV Transaction ( DynaFlex II Go )
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": "5.00",
"service_fee_amount": "0.25",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card": {
"card_reader": "dynaflex2go",
"card_emv_data": "{\"DeviceID\":\"[USBDynaFlex]B54E7W23\",\"TransactionOutput\":{\"TransactionType\":1,\"TransactionStatus\":0,\"OperationStatus\":0,\"DataType\":2,\"ApplicationIdentifier\":\"A0000000031010\",\"CardBrand\":\"Visa\",\"ARQCData\":\"0188F9820184DFDF540A9070050B54E7A500006ADFDF550182DFDF250742353445374135FA8201627082015E82021800DFDF530100DFDF4D223B343736313733303030303030303032393D3030303030303030303030303030303FDFDF520105F8820126DFDF59820108DDEDCAC94F314B2DF4F51ED4C7A3041F36C46DB29AEECCB36897A5D614D4FE6409FAA5AD3639FF29F6412C92CD25172E9CCD52C8606CE1BE34991435FB729F5781F3D71C6E1879E2AE5D421C6D04BC1A7A26865CFEFE69BC559C24BA398B3D091B32167CF67635AFF3E03D39F3E6F8B8A2BA47BB9A5F5ED3EC796346884B83A8D06CEB5D80C43283CBDDA49CE1995B07059C4838F30B0D369111A11C8F98E94BCED466A26565C7A07E52057F4F8306D40BE5F172C8BCC4A7302AB04FF31D64233068FC04245A83EA5935B7AD06C6C903F75810E276E9C4F926AB3F81F29BC1558D891958881ACCBCAC94EB4AEC15533C3A2BE01B42C52CCF23B3364004F7123DCCDB75A45CEDCAD5DFDF560A9070050B54E7A500006ADFDF570180DFDF5801000000000000001F0C1A64\",\"BatchData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awARQCData\":\"AYj5ggGE399UCpBwBQtU56UAAGrf31UBgt/fJQdCNTRFN0E1+oIBYnCCAV6CAhgA399TAQDf300iOzQ3NjE3MzAwMDAwMDAwMjk9MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwP9/fUgEF+IIBJt/fWYIBCN3tyslPMUst9PUe1MejBB82xG2ymu7Ms2iXpdYU1P5kCfqlrTY5/yn2QSySzSUXLpzNUshgbOG+NJkUNftyn1eB89ccbhh54q5dQhxtBLwaeiaGXP7+abxVnCS6OYs9CRsyFnz2djWv8+A9OfPm+Liiuke7ml9e0+x5Y0aIS4Oo0GzrXYDEMoPL3aSc4ZlbBwWcSDjzCw02kRGhHI+Y6UvO1GaiZWXHoH5SBX9PgwbUC+Xxcsi8xKcwKrBP8x1kIzBo/AQkWoPqWTW3rQbGyQP3WBDidunE+SarP4Hym8FVjYkZWIgazLyslOtK7BVTPDor4BtCxSzPI7M2QAT3Ej3M23WkXO3K1d/fVgqQcAULVOelAABq399XAYDf31gBAAAAAAAAAB8MGmQ=\",\"RawBatchData\":\"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\",\"KSN\":\"9070050B54E7A500006A\",\"DeviceSerialNumber\":\"42353445374135\",\"EncryptionType\":\"80\",\"NumberOfPaddedBytes\":0,\"NumberOfPaddedBytesForBatch\":1,\"EMVSREDData\":\"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\",\"EMVSREDDataForBatch\":\"466ED8E0E40EC68A4B86AF096A38EBD70C12D7D4909FEBFE12DFE640973EE0546460415DAF6DDDA2C32685769701B8A3FBC794716A8446790A32A2651EE51B59DEDF276EEF5DD06A1A42D54E033BB3B552BF48E8DB9C3B7E2ACAED9089EC30FE7445D8C9E61DED790A78CD69244585B357F4E581DD8091BCB212F71F7D19C288786737EB81B75F9CB681AFB2BF3CAA470181B7E5CCAD5C21E8EA2F355025BAF8B8694DC639E6115F1B649C7AAF4066E0DC9BED1F47231D9AFD2D68C412E5E3086DCECEF2D6A949699ABB58B95141C524383B5047E2EF700E5A37018F90C70BB191E912921726AD2442F4F481151A498D92AD14A5AC81CF13B07903765834A5D2E901D5E6218DBF1F2D5228CB16DE4F9D0B73B8C55D44E68304AFBC92A8520479E4CFE7A34F7C3CEFB808C1FA2CB305C5DE59932CF6CDEC2501EBE5AB7FBCA8C6D9D5838DF781C5C49A67F51E413C4BD8\",\"MerchantData\":\"9C01005F25030907015F24032412315F2A0208405F3401015F5701009F02060000000001009F03060000000000009F0607A00000000310109F1C0830303030303030309F34031E03009F390105DFDF400101DFDF4D223B343736313733303030303030303032393D3030303030303030303030303030303F\",\"FallbackIndicator\":\"00\",\"MaskedICCTrack2\":\"3B343736313733303030303030303032393D3030303030303030303030303030303F\",\"CardType\":\"05\",\"ApprovalStatus\":0},\"ResultStatus\":true,\"ResultMessage\":\"Batchdatareceived\"}"
Example Response
Status Code: 201 CREATED
"transaction_id": "trn_fa646cd3-0fd0-4729-b250-548c4bbfae2a",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 5.00,
"service_fee_amount": 0.25,
"subtotal_amount": 4.75,
"authorization_code": "MUX361",
"entered_by": "af4160261691a85917ea2491fe440633",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"phone": "444-444-4444",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "8003 Clock Tower Ln",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"postal_code": "46203"
"card": {
"card_reader": "dynaflex2go"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "MUX361",
"avs_result": "G",
"cvv_result": " ",
"requested_amount": "5.0",
"emv_receipt_data": "application_label:Visa Credit|entry_mode:CHIP|CVM:1E0300|AID:A0000000031010|TVR:8080008000|IAD:06011203A000000F00564953414C335445535443415345|TSI:6800|ARC:"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
POST Transaction with Service Fee
For service fee transactions, merchants must calculate the fee amount and then include it in the service_fee_amount
parameter in the request. To look up your location’s service fee rates/amounts, perform a GET call to the Locations by ID endpoint.
"authorization_amount": 111.54,
"service_fee_amount": 3.20,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2020",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 111.54,
"service_fee_amount": 3.2,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_f3fc06e7-dc2d-47fe-bea2-596ff26a81c0",
"location_id": "loc_200555",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 111.54,
"service_fee_amount": 3.2,
"subtotal_amount": 108.34,
"entered_by": "93e5a2be4693067f18e42fcc88bd372c",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2020,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"cvv_result": "M"
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x-powered-by |
POST Transaction (ECheck)
EFT is an Electronic Funds Transfer, encompassing all electronic payments and including ACH (eCheck) payments. This URI can perform the following eCheck (ACH) tasks while returning a new
:Create an ad-hoc transaction. Note: if the intent is to authorize and immediately capture the transaction, it is recommended that a sale transaction is sent.
Create a transaction based on the customer token using the default billing address
Create a transaction based on the customer and paymethod tokens using the customer default billing address
Create a transaction based on the paymethod token, which requires the address in the request message
Reverse a sale transaction and create a credit transaction, which requires the
of the original transaction
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"sec_code": "WEB",
"account_type": "Checking",
"routing_number": "111000025",
"account_number": "311080311",
"account_holder": "Marty McFly"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"sec_code": "WEB",
"account_type": "Checking",
"routing_number": "111000025",
"account_number": "311080311",
"account_holder": "Marty McFly"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_ea2d1204-9672-482e-83a2-6e9bb9347051",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"account_holder": "Marty McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "0311",
"routing_number": "111000025",
"account_type": "checking",
"sec_code": "WEB"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "17339493",
"preauth_result": "POS",
"preauth_desc": "P70:VALIDATED"
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x-powered-by |
POST Transaction (Alternative URI)
This URI can perform the following tasks while returning a new
:- Create an ad-hoc transaction
- Create a transaction based on the customer token using the default billing address
- Create a transaction based on the customer and paymethod tokens using the customer default billing address
- Create a transaction based on the paymethod token, which requires the address in the request message
- Reverse a sale transaction and create a credit transaction, which requires the
of the original transaction
NOTE: This endpoint does not specify the location of the transaction in the endpoint; rather, the
parameter is included in the body of the request.
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_8e1e070e-ec96-4fbf-95d1-a076b728e419",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2017,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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7-41835020-41840232 NNNN CT(0 0 0) RT(1508449807776 32451) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Sale Transaction
A sale transaction is used to collect funds from a customer’s debit/credit card or bank account in exchange for goods or services. The sale
action creates an authorization request and a capture operation in one step. Use this URI to create a sale
transaction by appending the sale
action to the end of the URI. You can also create a sale
transaction by including the "action"="sale"
parameter in the body of a request to the /organizations/{organization_id}/transactions
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/sale' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_659c0afa-3a3f-496b-8553-1a52ac029168",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2017,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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7-5780086-5780098 NNNN CT(32 69 0) RT(1513115975968 45) q(0 0 1 0) r(3 3) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Credit Transaction
A credit transaction is used to send funds to a bank account or credit/debit card. Typically, merchants use this action to refund a customer for a returned good or for payroll distributions. This URI creates a
transaction by appending thecredit
action to the end of the URI. You can also create acredit
transaction by including the"action"="credit"
parameter in the body of a request to the/organizations/{organization_id}/transactions
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/credit' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_8dfc1f75-d0b2-495b-87eb-bc7636000229",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2017,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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POST Authorize Transaction
An authorization validates funds and occurs at the time of the transaction–such as when a card is swiped at a point-of-sale terminal. In a matter of seconds, a request is sent on behalf of the merchant and authorizations are approved or declined by the issuing bank. Authorizations ensure that cardholders have sufficient funds/credit limits available to complete the transaction. Forte supports both full and partial authorizations. Authorizations should be performed when the capture of the funds will be initiated later. If the intent is to authorize the transaction and capture the funds immediately, a sale transaction should be sent instead of authorization and capture.
This URI creates an authorize transaction by appending the
action to the end of the URI. You can also create an authorize transaction by including the"action"="authorize"
parameter in the body of a request to the/organizations/{organization_id}/transactions
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/authorize' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"subtotal_amount": 99.95,
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card_type": "visa",
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"account_number": "4111111111111111",
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "2017",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_72653a06-3c32-4d82-8a70-9513bdc15aef",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "authorize",
"authorization_amount": 102.45,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Jennifer McFly",
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"expire_month": 12,
"expire_year": 2017,
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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Wed, 13 Dec 2017 21:13:50 GMT |
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7-17380022-17380036 NNNN CT(0 0 0) RT(1513199629816 57) q(0 0 0 -1) r(4 4) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Forte Validate + Transaction
NOTE: Forte Validate/Validate plus requires a subscription.
Forte Validate/Validate plus is a service that automatically performs pre-authorization checks on EFT account numbers to ensure the account is valid and in good standing. This URI creates a Validate/Validate plus transaction by appending the verify
action to the end of the URI. You can also create a Forte Verify transaction by including the "action"="verify"
parameter in the body of a request to the /organizations/{organization_id}/transactions
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"order_number": "7775553",
"echeck": {
"routing_number": "021000021",
"account_number": "0001112212"
Create a Forte Verify Transaction – Positive Response
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/verify' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 1.0,
"order_number": "7775553",
"echeck": {
"routing_number": "021000021",
"account_number": "0001112212"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_bcb5c7d9-97f6-488a-8352-c36607647663",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"order_number": "7775553",
"action": "verify",
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"authorization_code": "64813952",
"entered_by": "3c28bbf362bf661820ea102642c7a9d6",
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****2212",
"last_4_account_number": "2212",
"routing_number": "021000021"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "64813952",
"preauth_result": "POS",
"preauth_desc": "P70:VALIDATED"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
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date |
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 15:12:57 GMT |
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Microsoft-IIS/8.5 |
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chunked |
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x-iinfo |
9-58723509-58723515 SNNN RT(1508512352886 24090) q(0 0 0 -1) r(4 4) U6 |
x-powered-by |
Create a Forte Verify Transaction – Negative Response
Example Request
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"order_number": "7775553",
"echeck": {
"routing_number": "021000022",
"account_number": "0001112215"
"transaction_id": "trn_6b0b58df-1471-4edf-85d5-61d33dc846e4",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"order_number": "7775553",
"action": "verify",
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"entered_by": "3c28bbf362bf661820ea102642c7a9d6",
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****2215",
"last_4_account_number": "2215",
"routing_number": "021000022"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "D",
"response_code": "U80",
"response_desc": "PREAUTH DECLINE",
"preauth_result": "NEG",
"preauth_desc": "P15:HIGH RISK"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
POST Authenticate Transaction
NOTE: Authenticate requires a subscription.
Authenticate is a service that will verify the ownership of bank accounts. This service will verify if the given person/business (identified by the First & Last name or Business Name) is the owner of a given bank account. This URI creates an Authenticate transaction by appending the authenticate
action to the end of the URI. You can also create an Authenticate transaction by including the "action"="authenticate"
parameter in the body of a request to the /organizations/{organization_id}/transactions
"authorization_amount": "1.00",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"account_number": "91222160453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/authenticate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data '{
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly",
"account_number": "91222160453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
"account_type": "checking"
Example Response
"authorization_amount": "1.00",
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"account_number": "91222160453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
"transaction_id": "trn_076c9020-3b24-4ede-ad0a-4080177a991a",
"location_id": "loc_224805",
"action": "authenticate",
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"entered_by": "5ac9543ed4e892bb3da595e7192c9fd6",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****0453",
"last_4_account_number": "0453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
"account_type": "checking"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "M",
"response_code": "A05",
"response_desc": "FIRST & LAST NAME MATCH",
"preauth_result": "POS",
"preauth_desc": "MATCH",
"ownership_match": "Y|Y|Y|"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
POST Force Transaction
A force transaction captures the funds of an echeck transaction by bypassing verification or authorization functionality. Merchants should verify or authorize force operations prior to performing them. This URI creates a force
transaction by appending the force
action to the end of the URI. You can also create a force
transaction by including the "action"="force"
parameter in the body of a request to the /organizations/{organization_id}/transactions URI.
"street_line1":"2123 Einstein Way",
"street_line2":"Suite 200",
"locality":"Hill Valley",
"country": "US",
"name_on_card":"Emmett Brown",
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/force' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"street_line1":"2123 Einstein Way",
"street_line2":"Suite 200",
"locality":"Hill Valley",
"name_on_card":"Emmett Brown",
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_7ac51dbc-e163-4bc1-8873-c696463777e4",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "force",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "2123 Einstein Way",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"country": "US",
"postal_code": "90217"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Emmett Brown",
"last_4_account_number": "1881",
"masked_account_number": "****1881",
"customer_accounting_code": "123",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456"
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7-48791103-48826173 NNNN CT(39 44 0) RT(1508512703858 204342) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Transaction from a One-Time Token
One-time tokens require a Forte.js integration. Forte.js is a script you can add to your payment form that sends sensitive payment data to Forte (instead of the directly to your server) in return for a one-time token. This one-time token keeps sensitive data safe and reduces your Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) obligations and scope. One-time tokens expire after 60 minutes.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_4aa187d1-330a-4993-96a0-3d83f321c5d4",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown"
"card": {
"one_time_token": "ott_tq0hemmmtf-zsxgp689rew"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED"
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date |
Thu, 19 Oct 2017 20:57:03 GMT |
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5-45712770-45758035 NNNN CT(39 38 0) RT(1508446375000 247779) q(0 0 1 -1) r(8 8) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Transaction with Line Items
Line items require both a line_item_header
and a numbered line item field (line_item_1
). You can include up to 100 fields of line items (e.g., name, quantity, price, etc.).
"authorization_amount": 109.49,
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown"
"sec_code": "WEB",
"account_type": "Checking",
"routing_number": "021000021",
"account_number": "000111222",
"account_holder": "Emmett Brown"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"authorization_amount": 109.49,
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown"
"sec_code": "WEB",
"account_type": "Checking",
"routing_number": "021000021",
"account_number": "000111222",
"account_holder": "Emmett Brown"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_f9ffe880-c1ae-476e-9885-14584a8734d2",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 109.49,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown"
"echeck": {
"account_holder": "Emmett Brown",
"masked_account_number": "****1222",
"last_4_account_number": "1222",
"routing_number": "021000021",
"account_type": "checking",
"sec_code": "WEB"
"line_items": {
"line_item_header": "SKU,Price,Qty",
"line_item_1": "021000021,45.00,2",
"line_item_2": "021000022,36.99,10",
"line_item_3": "021000023,27.50,7"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "18079003",
"preauth_result": "POS",
"preauth_desc": "P70:VALIDATED"
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date |
Mon, 04 Dec 2017 21:36:21 GMT |
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5-237437060-237446454 NNNN CT(40 32 0) RT(1512423337415 44135) q(0 0 1 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Transaction with XDATA
You can include up to nine xdata
fields. Each field can contain up to 80 characters. NOTE: Values within this field cannot contain double quotation characters (i.e., “text”); Forte supports single quotation characters (i.e., ‘text’). If you require double quotation characters within this value, use HTML escape characters to ensure the information properly displays (e.g., xdata_1="Marco's “Place”"
"reference_id": "000159",
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen",
"sales_tax_amount": 0.25,
"xdata_1":"Branch 00189",
"xdata_2":"Hill Valley, CA",
"xdata_3":"Region WEST"
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"reference_id": "000159",
"authorization_amount": 1.00,
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen",
"sales_tax_amount": 0.25,
"xdata_1":"Branch 00189",
"xdata_2":"Hill Valley, CA",
"xdata_3":"Region WEST"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_d7e58292-8471-4c81-b7db-09fe3dd4efd8",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_h_TrrHANEU6XjmMV_EMVrA",
"paymethod_token": "mth_cp459q53Q0W5wJdMG35f1w",
"reference_id": "000159",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"sales_tax_amount": 0.25,
"entered_by": "Griff Tannen",
"xdata": {
"xdata_1": "Branch 00189",
"xdata_2": "Hill Valley, CA",
"xdata_3": "Region WEST"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M",
"customer_token": "cst_h_TrrHANEU6XjmMV_EMVrA",
"paymethod_token": "mth_cp459q53Q0W5wJdMG35f1w"
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
date |
Thu, 19 Oct 2017 21:06:48 GMT |
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Microsoft-IIS/8.5 |
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x-iinfo |
6-35236171-35258441 NNNN CT(47 41 0) RT(1508447066543 141432) q(0 0 1 -1) r(6 6) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Fully Refund a Transaction
A reverse (i.e., refund) takes the original charge from a billing account and retracts it (e.g., reversed sales will have a disbursement or credit performed). Forte supports both full and partial reversals. Reversals can be performed on sale transactions that have been settled (credit cards) or funded (echecks). Including the reverse
action in the body of your request automatically generates a credit transaction. The original_transaction_id
and the authorization_code
must also be included in the body of the request.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_5354c405-f9bb-4d72-a7b1-7befdce75270",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"original_transaction_id": "trn_05169f58-241f-45b0-a335-3569d4a4e13e",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 104.95,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bdd3d88f7a2da9",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
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date |
Thu, 19 Oct 2017 21:08:47 GMT |
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x-iinfo |
6-35236171-35276006 NNNN CT(63 43 0) RT(1508447066543 260517) q(0 0 1 -1) r(5 5) U6 |
x-powered-by |
POST Partially Refund a Transaction
A reverse (i.e., refund) takes the original charge from a billing account and retracts it (e.g., reversed sales will have a disbursement or credit performed). Forte supports both full and partial reversals. Reverses can be performed on sale transactions that have been settled (credit cards) or funded (echecks). Including the reverse
action in the body of your request automatically generates a credit transaction. The original_transaction_id
and the authorization_code
must also be included in the body of the request.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_62a776c7-d7d3-48aa-a5d3-873d0773ad24",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"original_transaction_id": "trn_eb28a71e-377c-41a2-89de-bfa7bd47ecd2",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 50,
"authorization_code": "2SB997",
"entered_by": "9b26093587d09d0f1a847083b2e605c1",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
"last_name": "McFly"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "2SB997",
"avs_result": "Y",
"cvv_result": "M"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
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Tue, 02 Feb 2021 19:21:40 GMT |
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GET All Transactions
This URI returns all transactions for a location.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 3,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"start_received_date": "2018-05-05T07:52:32.9895316-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-08-03T07:52:32.9895316-07:00"
"results": [
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"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 3.5,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "jayashri.srivelu-nam",
"received_date": "2018-05-30T13:57:32.257",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "ach"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
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"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_35acd4f0-419f-47d2-a2cd-c8ab2a7722bc",
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"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "21334993",
"entered_by": "jayashri.srivelu-nam",
"received_date": "2018-05-30T13:58:15.15",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "ach"
"echeck": {
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"last_4_account_number": "3454"
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"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
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"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 6.5,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "b9f088229ab4989d499e",
"received_date": "2018-05-31T06:28:58.373",
"billing_address": {
"company_name": "c"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "0006",
"masked_account_number": "****0006",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": "",
"next": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
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41850 |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 14:52:33 GMT |
Expires |
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Pragma |
no-cache |
server |
GET All Sale Transactions
This URI returns all sale
transactions for a location.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/sale' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 3,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"action": "sale",
"start_received_date": "2018-05-05T08:04:40.4616114-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-08-03T08:04:40.4616114-07:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_35acd4f0-419f-47d2-a2cd-c8ab2a7722bc",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "21334993",
"entered_by": "jayashri.srivelu-nam",
"received_date": "2018-05-30T13:58:15.15",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "ach"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****3454",
"last_4_account_number": "3454"
"attempt_number": 2,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "21334993"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_d81e5f47-d899-4d7e-8e3a-398418921385",
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"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 6.5,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "b9f088229ab4989d499e",
"received_date": "2018-05-31T06:28:58.373",
"billing_address": {
"company_name": "c"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "0006",
"masked_account_number": "****0006",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
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"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_b12547c2-914f-4e92-9914-295f5559a372",
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"location_id": "loc_115161",
"customer_token": "cst_8Wb88FpYRzeCxDVklXZcHQ",
"status": "review",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 2.5,
"entered_by": "Scheduled",
"received_date": "2018-06-01T06:53:22.32",
"billing_address": {
"company_name": "company name"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "0006",
"masked_account_number": "****0006",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "U54"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": "",
"next": ""
Headers (8) |
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no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
41888 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:04:40 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Credit Transactions
This URI returns all credit
transactions for a location.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions/credit' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 2,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"action": "credit",
"start_received_date": "2018-05-05T08:11:34.8764873-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-08-03T08:11:34.8764873-07:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_1560df17-c6f2-4150-8b22-eef951692486",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "22415004",
"entered_by": "david.ayodele@forte",
"received_date": "2018-07-25T11:25:21.103",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****3434",
"last_4_account_number": "3434"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "22415004"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_f510202b-340f-4bab-9692-fdc7918449bf",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "22415005",
"entered_by": "david.ayodele@forte",
"received_date": "2018-07-25T11:25:24.973",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****3434",
"last_4_account_number": "3434"
"attempt_number": 3,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "22415005"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
6183 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:11:35 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Authorize Transactions
This URI returns all transactions for a location.
Example Request
"number_results": 2,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"action": "credit",
"start_received_date": "2018-05-05T08:11:34.8764873-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-08-03T08:11:34.8764873-07:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_1560df17-c6f2-4150-8b22-eef951692486",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "22415004",
"entered_by": "david.ayodele@forte",
"received_date": "2018-07-25T11:25:21.103",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****3434",
"last_4_account_number": "3434"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "22415004"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_f510202b-340f-4bab-9692-fdc7918449bf",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "credit",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "22415005",
"entered_by": "david.ayodele@forte",
"received_date": "2018-07-25T11:25:24.973",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****3434",
"last_4_account_number": "3434"
"attempt_number": 3,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "22415005"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "sandbox",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Example Response
"number_results": 2,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"action": "authorize",
"start_received_date": "2018-05-05T08:25:50.5165011-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-08-03T08:25:50.5165011-07:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_8652719a-ba88-42c4-b4ad-507571692f3c",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "declined",
"action": "authorize",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"entered_by": "jayashri.srivelu-nam",
"received_date": "2018-06-14T14:14:42.173",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "U54"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_011a8c80-fc5c-457f-8769-1e0d0ec21bd1",
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"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "authorized",
"action": "authorize",
"authorization_amount": 2,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "jayashri.srivelu-nam",
"received_date": "2018-06-22T08:40:50.517",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "test"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
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no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
2089 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:25:50 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Verify Transactions
This URI returns all verify
transactions for a location.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions/verify' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 2,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_334316",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "verify",
"start_received_date": "2017-09-05T12:15:17.0173652-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2017-12-04T12:15:17.0173652-08:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_20aa0aeb-bfac-497a-9512-d8d8dde008ea",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "failed",
"action": "verify",
"authorization_amount": 0.01,
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bd",
"received_date": "2017-12-04T12:06:40.51",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****1222",
"last_4_account_number": "1222"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "U02"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_c0f10b2c-de27-44ba-9a79-ec05d81e051c",
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"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "complete",
"action": "verify",
"authorization_amount": 0.01,
"authorization_code": "18078821",
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bd",
"received_date": "2017-12-04T12:10:42.237",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****9886",
"last_4_account_number": "9886"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "18078821"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
437 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:36:48 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Authenticate Transactions
This URI returns all authenticate
transactions for a location
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions/verify' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 3,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
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"home_organization_id": "org_300005",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_224805",
"action": "authenticate",
"start_received_date": "2022-11-07T00:00:00",
"end_received_date": "2022-11-08T00:00:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_5a0a5e9e-62d8-4092-9c6e-c69fa6699b8a",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_224805",
"status": "complete",
"action": "authenticate",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"entered_by": "5ac9543ed4e892bb3da5",
"received_date": "2022-11-07T05:24:57.45",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "MARTY",
"last_name": "BROWN"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****0453",
"last_4_account_number": "0453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
"account_type": "checking"
"response": {
"response_code": "U80",
"ownership_match": "N|N|N|"
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"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_6771a87a-d07e-42f1-9a93-e9454d41e2fe",
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"status": "complete",
"action": "authenticate",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"entered_by": "5ac9543ed4e892bb3da5",
"received_date": "2022-11-07T05:28:01.937",
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"first_name": "JENNIFER",
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"last_4_account_number": "0453",
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"response_code": "A06",
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"status": "complete",
"action": "authenticate",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"entered_by": "5ac9543ed4e892bb3da5",
"received_date": "2022-11-07T05:29:36.693",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "JENNIFER",
"last_name": "MCFLY"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****0453",
"last_4_account_number": "0453",
"routing_number": "122199983",
"account_type": "checking"
"response": {
"response_code": "A05",
"ownership_match": "Y|Y|Y|"
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"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
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no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
437 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:36:48 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Inquiry Transactions
This URI returns all inquiry
transactions for a location.
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions/inquiry' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 3,
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"page_size": 50,
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"home_organization_id": "org_334316",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_192642",
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"start_received_date": "2017-09-05T13:27:07.7020344-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2017-12-04T13:27:07.7020344-08:00"
"results": [
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"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "complete",
"action": "inquiry",
"authorization_code": "18078950",
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bd",
"received_date": "2017-12-04T13:08:46.487",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Jennifer",
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"masked_account_number": "****1111",
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"received_date": "2017-12-04T13:09:00.02",
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"first_name": "Marty",
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"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "18060505"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_6b678762-0e11-4495-9ee6-3025e48f746d",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "complete",
"action": "inquiry",
"authorization_code": "18078953",
"entered_by": "4fefaf5f77d944ce10bd",
"received_date": "2017-12-04T13:09:22.957",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "18078953"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
438 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:41:23 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET All Transactions for a Customer
Returns all transactions for a specific customer_token
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/customers/cst_{{customertoken}}/transactions/' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 12,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_334316",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_735fddfb-1b28-4630-b67d-cbd919f45c35",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-19T16:49:34.057",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_b4690950-d718-4312-99a2-c1a8dfd5c6bc",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-20T02:13:08.777",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_093a0609-515f-4179-b635-e283d9d56856",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-20T23:22:49.27",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_7ca702cb-94da-4d3e-a9b4-0872710b1f40",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-21T16:49:01.87",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_c74a191a-ae2a-4f4f-9c7c-aa9bd88d072e",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-23T23:10:20.447",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_9eb617d2-60fc-489a-9986-d720e056f5a6",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-23T23:11:34.547",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_cfead72d-74ad-4cd2-8862-ed483d62c07e",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-23T23:12:05.283",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_c4871b59-cfd2-45a4-90bd-b80a260621b2",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-23T23:30:39.81",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_962cc4e4-c26e-470f-8cf6-fd4321b3995a",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-24T23:04:21.87",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_d9d7ae3d-a928-4a12-89ea-b0609a4e3f96",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-24T23:04:47.667",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_313526de-25fa-43a9-9918-3110259ed1cd",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-24T23:24:50.97",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_f0d3ea66-040f-4d57-9ff1-77d28bc4b95b",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"customer_token": "cst_lyv-2BilTkWpIgK1TMKvoA",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 10,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2017-07-24T23:29:04.563",
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "1111",
"masked_account_number": "****1111",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
4481 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:47:19 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET Transaction by ID
Returns the details of a specific transaction based on the transaction_id
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions/trn_{{transactionID}}' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_a33b39d8-ac96-4c8b-b6bd-25bb74d6fff3",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "voided",
"action": "force",
"authorization_amount": 1,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"received_date": "2016-10-11T10:27:40.387",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Emmett",
"last_name": "Brown",
"physical_address": {
"street_line1": "2123 Einstein Way",
"street_line2": "Suite 200",
"locality": "Hill Valley",
"region": "CA",
"country": "US",
"postal_code": "90217"
"card": {
"name_on_card": "Emmett Brown",
"last_4_account_number": "1881",
"masked_account_number": "****1881",
"expire_month": 2,
"expire_year": 2019,
"customer_accounting_code": "123",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "TEST APPROVAL",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
1117 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:52:53 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
GET Transactions with Filter
To narrow your search data using specific criteria, use the following filter parameters:
start_received_date / end_received_date
filter parameter supports the following values:sale
Searches using the
filter parameter will only yield results for echeck transactions.To find transactions within a specified date range, use the
filter parameters or thestart_origination_date
filter parameters.To find transactions from a single day, use the
(echeck only) filter paramters.Date range filters must include both the start and end date parameters; otherwise, Forte uses a default 90-day date range from the provided date parameter or, when no date parameter is provided, from the current date.
All date filter parameters are time aware
Example Request
curl --location -g '{{organization}}/locations/loc_{{location}}/transactions?filter=start_received_date%2Beq%2B%272018-01-01%27%2Band%2Bend_received_date%2Beq%2B%272018-08-03%27%20' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}'
Example Response
"number_results": 4,
"search_criteria": {
"page_size": 50,
"page_index": 0,
"home_organization_id": "org_334316",
"resource_specific": {
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"start_received_date": "2018-01-01T09:22:52.5502369-07:00",
"end_received_date": "2018-108-03T09:22:52.5502369-08:00"
"results": [
"transaction_id": "trn_698bf8be-4695-4aab-b785-7a2b9bd5e77a",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "declined",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"received_date": "2018-02-21T14:05:41.493",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****1222",
"last_4_account_number": "1222"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "U02"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_d81e5f47-d899-4d7e-8e3a-398418921385",
"organization_id": "org_300005",
"location_id": "loc_115161",
"status": "ready",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 6.5,
"authorization_code": "123456",
"entered_by": "b9f088229ab4989d499e",
"received_date": "2018-05-31T06:28:58.373",
"billing_address": {
"company_name": "McFly Industries"
"card": {
"last_4_account_number": "0006",
"masked_account_number": "****0006",
"card_type": "visa"
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "123456"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_abf0e36f-51a0-4572-9ded-ec5b14e023a5",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "declined",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"received_date": "2018-05-21T14:49:11.657",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****1222",
"last_4_account_number": "1222"
"attempt_number": 1,
"response": {
"response_code": "A01",
"authorization_code": "21334993"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"transaction_id": "trn_7da0543c-068f-49a6-b7de-ded19e3a6d92",
"organization_id": "org_334316",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"status": "declined",
"action": "sale",
"authorization_amount": 240.52,
"received_date": "2018-06-21T14:52:12.33",
"billing_address": {
"first_name": "Marty",
"last_name": "McFly"
"echeck": {
"masked_account_number": "****1222",
"last_4_account_number": "1222"
"attempt_number": 2,
"response": {
"response_code": "U02"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_desc": "Get Successful."
"links": {
"self": "",
"next": ""
Headers (8) |
Cache-Control |
no-cache Tells all caching mechanisms from server to client whether they may cache this object. It is measured in seconds |
Connection |
keep-alive Options that are desired for the connection |
Content-Length |
41247 The length of the response body in octets (8-bit bytes) |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 The mime type of this content |
date |
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 16:02:25 GMT The date and time that the message was sent |
expires |
-1 Gives the date/time after which the response is considered stale |
pragma |
no-cache Implementation-specific headers that may have various effects anywhere along the request-response chain. |
server |
A name for the server |
PUT Void a Transaction
A void is used to stop a transaction from originating (echecks) or going to settlement (credit cards) and for canceling holds on transactions that were previously authorized. You can only void a transaction once. Only sale
, authorize
, force
(echecks only) or credit
transactions in the Ready, Authorized, or Review status can be voided.
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Request
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/{{transactionID}}' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_d175cbfb-39b0-4340-89d3-b7edbf31a1b6",
"location_id": "loc_192642",
"action": "void",
"authorization_code": "33717372",
"entered_by": "Griff Tannen",
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "17324927"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
Headers (13) |
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* |
cache-control |
no-cache |
connection |
keep-alive |
content-lenght |
632 |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 |
date |
Fri, 20 Oct 2017 15:27:25 GMT |
expires |
-1 |
pragma |
no-cache |
server |
Microsoft-IIS/8.5 |
x-aspnet-version |
4.0.30319 |
x-cdn |
Incapsula |
x-iinfo |
7-48791103-48880387 SNNN RT(1508512703858 541208) q(0 0 0 -1) r(2 2) U6 |
x-powered-by |
PUT Void an Authorization
This endpoint voids a previously approved authorize
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Request
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/trn_{{transaction_id}}' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data '{
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_ddd65b98-bb1f-48b9-be56-2752810a6b78",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"action": "void",
"authorization_code": "0KR123",
"entered_by": "Griff Tannen",
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "779523"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
Date |
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 18:54:51 GMT |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Content-Length |
635 |
Connection |
keep-alive |
Cache-Control |
no-cache |
pragma |
no-cache |
expires |
-1 |
server |
PUT Void a Refund
This endpoint stops the disbursement of funds back to the consumer after their original transaction was reversed/refunded. You must append the transaction_id
of the refund transaction to the end of the endpoint, and include the void
action and authorization_code
of the refund/reversal transaction in the body of the request.
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Request
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/trn_{{transaction_id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_d6aac435-d0bd-46ab-bfc4-426750f7ab18",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"action": "void",
"authorization_code": "0XD331",
"entered_by": "Griff Tannen",
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "059506"
"links": {
"disputes": "",
"settlements": "",
"self": ""
Headers (8) |
date |
Tue, 02 Feb 2021 20:38:19 GMT |
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application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Content-Length |
635 |
Connection |
keep-alive |
Cache-Control |
no-cache |
pragma |
no-cache |
expires |
-1 |
server |
PUT Capture a Transaction
A capture
enables merchants to collect the funds of a previous authorize
transaction. A capture must be performed within the authorization/pre-authorization period (i.e., when the status of the transaction is in-progress) for credit card and echeck transactions. This transaction should be used when the capture of the funds will be initiated later. If the intent is to authorize the transaction and capture the funds immediately, a sale transaction should be sent instead of authorization and capture.
NOTE: authorization_amount field (capture amounts) are supported in sandbox environment but in production environment it is dependent on the processor.
"action": "capture",
"transaction_id": "trn_2360c442-a6f7-423e-a4d8-de944b7aee16",
"authorization_code": "0SF381",
Example Request
curl --location -g --request PUT '{{baseURI}}/organizations/org_{{organizationID}}/locations/loc_{{locationID}}/transactions/trn_{{transaction_id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: {{Authorization}}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Forte-Auth-Organization-Id: org_{{AuthOrganizationID}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"entered_by":"Griff Tannen"
Example Response
"transaction_id": "trn_9b1bfe9f-9fc7-4ad4-84c7-d8637e402254",
"location_id": "loc_124125",
"original_transaction_id": "trn_2360c442-a6f7-423e-a4d8-de944b7aee16",
"action": "capture",
"authorization_amount": 108.34,
"authorization_code": "0SF381",
"entered_by": "9b26093587d09d0f1a847083b2e605c1",
"response": {
"environment": "live",
"response_type": "A",
"response_code": "A01",
"response_desc": "APPROVED",
"authorization_code": "779522"
Headers (8) |
Date |
Tue, 26 Jan 2021 23:04:30 GMT |
content-type |
application/json; charset=utf-8 |
Content-Length |
417 |
Connection |
keep-alive |
Cache-Control |
no-cache |
pragma |
no-cache |
expires |
-1 |
server |
- Transaction Object
- POST Transaction (Credit Card)
- POST Initial Sale Transaction (Digital Wallets)
- POST Transaction (PayPal)
- POST Subsequent Transaction with DPAN (Digital Wallets)
- POST Subsequent Transaction With Token (Digital Wallets)
- POST Transaction With Credit Card Token
- POST Transaction With eCheck Token
- POST Transaction With PayPal Token
- POST Swiped Credit Card Transaction
- POST Paymethod Token from a Swiped Transaction
- POST EMV Transaction (eDynamo)
- POST EMV Transaction (DynaFlex II Go)
- POST Transaction with Service Fee
- POST Transaction (ECheck)
- POST Transaction (Alternative URL)
- POST Sale Transaction
- POST Credit Transaction
- POST Authorize Transaction
- POST Forte Validate+ Transaction
- POST Authenticate Transaction
- POST Force Transaction
- POST Transaction from a One-Time Token
- POST Transaction with Line Items
- POST Transaction with XDATA
- POST Fully Refund a Transaction
- POST Partially Refund a Transaction
- GET All Transactions
- GET All Sale Transactions
- GET All Credit Transactions
- GET All Authorize Transactions
- GET All Verify Transactions
- GET All Authenticate Transactions
- GET All Inquiry Transactions
- GET All Transactions for a Customer
- GET Transaction by ID
- GET Transactions with Filter
- PUT Void a Transaction
- PUT Void an Authorization
- PUT Void a Refund
- PUT Capture a Transaction